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CTS Cyberbits is a monthly column on Cybersecurity that contains information on how to protect yourself online and new emerging threats to be aware of. In this month’s edition, Campus Technology Services will cover the topic of shared living safety.

When one thinks of cybersecurity, it often involves protecting data from malicious groups by keeping strong passwords, not clicking on strange links and using additional security measures like multifactor authentication. While staying safe in digital space is important and a cornerstone in keeping secure, it is equally important to be aware of how one’s physical surroundings can impair one’s data security as well. One such scenario where this is important is in shared living environments such as a college dormitory or apartment building. By following these tips you can help keep yourself secure where you live.

  • Be careful when connecting to wireless networks. Always double-check that the network you’re connecting to is the one you intended to use. Be wary of misspellings in the network name or if it does not require a password where it should. These may be networks set up specifically to trick you into connecting so they can steal data.
  • Be aware of your surroundings if you are working on something sensitive or entering passwords. If someone around you is trying to gain access to your information or account they may be looking over your shoulder at what you are doing. Additionally, if you are leaving your workstation unattended be sure to lock it to prevent anyone from snooping.
  • If you have a device that has Bluetooth and you aren’t currently using it, disable Bluetooth. Bluetooth can be used to connect to your device without you knowing and permit strangers to interact with your device.

Living in a large shared community can be exciting and by following these tips you can keep your data safe while doing so. If you believe you may have had your data or account compromised please contact the CTS Help Desk.

-- Submitted by Campus Technology Services