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The process by which SUNY Oswego recommends nominees for SUNY Awards and the promotion to Distinguished Professorships involves the actions of a selection committee.

The selection committee is responsible for soliciting campus nominations, reviewing nomination files, evaluating all nominees and ranking nominations as a recommendation for action by the President.

If elected, Faculty Assembly policy calls for the members of the committee to consider nominations for the following categories:

  • Distinguished Professorship
  • Distinguished Teaching Professorship
  • Distinguished Service Professorship
  • Distinguished Librarian
  • Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Faculty Service
  • Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Librarianship
  • Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Scholarly and Creative Activities
  • Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching
  • Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Adjunct Teaching
  • Chancellor's Award for Shared Governance (campus may self-nominate)

To download guidelines for these faculty recognition opportunities, visit the SUNY website.

The composition of the selection committee is as follows:

Serving three-year terms:

  • One voting faculty member each with a minimum of ten years of service at SUNY Oswego from:
    • School of Business
    • School of Education
    • College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
    • School of Communication, Media and the Arts
    • One at-large voting faculty member
    • One professional staff member
    • Librarians

Serving two-year terms:

  • One voting faculty member with distinguished rank

Serving a one-year term:

  • Two undergraduate students
  • One graduate student

Ongoing members:

  • Chair of Faculty Assembly (or designee)
  • One administrative liaison designated by the President (ex-officio committee member)

This year, nominations are requested for the following committee members (numbers of vacancies within each category are provided):

  • Undergraduate students (2)
  • Graduate student (1)
  • Faculty, School of Business (1)
  • School of Education (1)
  • College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (1)
  • At-large voting faculty member (1)

To nominate individuals to serve on the review committee, please complete the SUNY Award Selection Committee Nomination Form, found on the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs website.

Any student, administrator, voting faculty or professional staff member may make any number of nominations for selection committee membership. Nominations for the selection committee are due Friday, Oct. 13, 2023. Voting faculty and students will be asked to vote for nominees via Google Forms, shortly after this date.

IMPORTANT: If nominations and subsequent election of review committee members are insufficient to constitute a quorum it may become necessary to forego review of any nominations that may come forward until a review committee is constituted at some point in the future.

-- Submitted by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs