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LGBTQIA2+ (the acronym stands for lesbian, gay, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, two-spirit plus) History Month is a month-long awareness of the history of the community along with the continued pursuit of LGBTQIA2+ rights.

Today is International Pronouns Day. For this month, we have some information to share with you: 

  • Pride month is in June, which is during summer break. In 1994, Rodney Wilson, an openly gay Missouri high school history teacher, realized the lack of information related to queer history. Because National Coming Out Day is in October, and students are in school during October, it was best to have the history month during this time. 

  • We have a group on campus with faculty, staff, students, and other community members focused on LGBTQIA2+ efforts called the LGBTQIA+ Working Group with co-leaders: Anneke McEvoy and Shelly Sloan. Shared below is more about the working group's purpose, action, and progress. 
    • At SUNY Oswego, we are a supportive community committed to understanding the experiences of LGBTQIA+ peers and colleagues and educating our campus about LGBTQIA+ concerns, inclusive practices, and resources. 

    • There is a long enriching history of LGBTQIA+ activism at SUNY Oswego, dating back to the early 1970’s. In fact, there was a student-led call to action in spring 2022 that catalyzed the formation of the Inclusive Practices LGBTQIA+ Working Group. This joint effort between the Division of Student Affairs and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion launched in fall 2022.

    • The group reconvened in Fall 2023 to put that fact-finding into action. Some immediate areas of focus for the LGBTQIA+ working group are further examining campus needs, building partnerships, and developing forward-facing resources such as a campus map of all gender restrooms, a landing page for the LGBTQIA+ campus community, and more educational resources to help SUNY Oswego grow into a more inclusive campus.

  • We have an LGBTQIA+ organization on campus called “Pride Alliance.” As stated on their LakerLife page, “Pride strives to bring acceptance and change to the entire campus by working with its members (both LGBTQIA2+ and allies) as well as faculty and staff.” 

  • Events this month include the SAPB Pride Fest, happening from 1 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 21, in Swetman Gym. The event will feature live music, food, giveaways and a special runway scene.
  • If you are looking to learn about the history of LGBTQIA2+ on our campus, check out the University Archive & Special Collections in the Penfield Library. It is open Monday and Thursday from 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. If those times do not work, you can set up an appointment. 

This month is a part of our Oz Inclusivity Playbook. Stay tuned for more events, programs, and information throughout the semester, and follow The Triandiflou Institute’s social media (@ozinstitute). Interested in doing an event or program next semester or also giving us feedback on our entries? Feel free to complete this form.

 -- Submitted by the Triandiflou Institute for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Transformative Practice