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As part of the agreement to bring Micron to Central New York; Micron, New York State, and other partners have committed to investing $500 million into the Central New York community over the next 20 years. 

The Micron Community Engagement Committee (CEC) wants to hear from the region’s college and university students to understand how to make Central New York an even better place to live, work and thrive because the CEC values the talent, perspective and input of the region’s students. 

The Micron CEC will host a virtual focus group to hear from students on Tuesday, Nov. 28, from 7 to 8 p.m. 

This virtual session will provide an opportunity for students to share the needs and opportunities they see for building a thriving community in Central New York, and to learn what they want the region to offer to encourage/entice them to stay in the region post-graduation. 

All students who want to participate in this conversation should register for the event ASAP using the Focus Group RSVP Form (Zoom link to follow). 

Students are also invited to complete the short (four-minute) Micron CEC survey and find additional information at