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A pair of student-directed one-act plays, "Foreplay or: The Art of the Fugue" and "Screaming, Humming," will run through this weekend with performances at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 1; 2 and 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 2; and 2 p.m. on Sunday, Dec 3 in Tyler Hall's lab theatre.

"Foreplay or: The Art of the Fugue" is directed by Bianca Stevenson. Written by David Ives, the piece starts with Chuck, a self-styled Don Juan, and his girlfriend on a date at the miniature golf course. When they move to the second hole, a slightly older Chuck II appears with another date. Finally, a third Chuck, now in his late thirties, arrives with a young date. His latest date doesn't get his jokes, and worse, she's beating him at golf.

"Screaming, Humming" is directed by Tess Uline. Written by Hannah Manikowski, the piece focuses on an art school dropout, Heather, who works at a pizzeria. Heather must spend every agonizing cigarette break staring down the undeniably hideous mural she painted on the side of the adjacent building. Much to the chagrin of her co-worker and best friend Stephanie, Heather has just moved in with her boyfriend, Michael -- further complicated by Stephanie perhaps knowing what she's talking about, and that maybe Heather needs to figure out what she really wants. The one-act is billed as a lesbian coming-of-age story involving goldfish, dead-end-jobs, and the simultaneous beauty and heartache present in liminality.

Tickets, available through, are free for SUNY Oswego students, $10 for all others.