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As part of SUNY Oswego's ongoing development of its next strategic plan, students, faculty and staff are invited to take part in a strategic plan campus engagement session from 3:30 to 5 p.m. on Wednesday, March 6, in The Space, Marano Campus Center.

Members of the campus community have taken part in a series of focus groups on anchor topics (Equity-Informed Student Success, A Vibrant Faculty and Staff, Resourcing for Sustainable Growth, A Regional Presence & Cultivating a Reputation for Excellence, and Resourcing for Sustainable Growth). 

All sessions are facilitated by the university's partners at AASCU. 

The March 6 strategic planning campus engagement event provides an additional opportunity for campus members to participate in the strategic planning process. A brief presentation will be followed by the opportunity for participants to engage with and offer feedback to each of the strategic anchor subcommittees.

Participants will be able to provide input on the progress to date on any and all of the strategic anchors.