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Fire Safety Month begins tomorrow and campus officials offer tips and a special Oct. 1 event in the Hewitt Quad for hands-on learning.

SUNY Oswego’s Fire Department invites the entire campus community to participate in fire safety events on Tuesday,  in Hewitt Quad from 12:25 p.m. to 5 p.m. The event will feature a variety of engaging activities and essential safety tips.

Rain date for the event is Oct. 2.

Key activities will include:

  • Opportunities to win prizes and enjoy free snacks
  • Watching live burn demonstrations at 12:30 p.m. and 4:50 p.m.
  • Participating in hands-on fire extinguisher training
  • Meeting first responders and learning how to prevent and treat burns
  • Discovering life-saving fire safety tips at interactive tables

But every day is a day for fire safety, officials noted. Top tips to share include:

  • Supervise cooking. It is the #1 cause of campus and home fires.
  • Keep exit pathways clear of obstructions.
  • Know two fire exits from your building. 
Learning how to use a fire extinguisher, whether during the Oct. 1 event or other opportunities, is important. Officials said the acronym to remember is P.A.S.S.:
  • P.  Pull the Pin
  • A.  Aim at the base of the fire.
  • S.   Squeeze the Handle
  • S.   Sweep from Side to side

–- Submitted by the Environmental Health and Safety Department