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The Display to Archives program is Penfield Library’s ongoing effort to collect, recognize, exhibit and promote access to the creative and scholarly work of SUNY Oswego’s faculty and professional staff. A luncheon celebrating the program has an RSVP deadline of today (March 28).

Faculty and professional staff donate copies of their recently published professional work, or the programs or reviews related to their recitals, exhibitions, theatre productions or other creative activities. After donated materials are exhibited in the Penfield Library lobby, they are added to the College Archives, where they are available for student and researcher use.

A luncheon from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday, April 3, in the Speakers' Corner (second floor of Penfield Library) will honor the creative and scholarly achievements of the SUNY Oswego faculty and professional staff who donated materials to the Display to Archives program since the previous bibliography.

March 28 is the deadline for faculty and professional staff to RSVP to the luncheon via this online form.