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Calling all students! Help the college promote all the things you love about your residence hall.  We invite you to create and submit a one-minute video that provides prospective students -- who are currently deciding if they want to enroll at Oswego -- with valuable information about our on-campus living experience and what you (our current students) love about your residence halls. 

All students whose videos are accepted for the final cut will be invited to a special premiere party at the end of the semester. Below are important project guidelines we ask you to follow:

  • Videos are limited to one minute
  • Explain why you love your residence hall
  • One area of focus (room, dining hall, lounge, etc.)
  • Can include multiple students collaborating
  • No inappropriate behavior, language or content
  • Clear, steady recording (no low lighting or shaky video)
  • Clear, comprehensible audio (no loud backgrounds)
  • Honest, transparent, straightforward narration
  • All videos must include your full name and all names of students featured in the video in your email submission
  • Videos must be submitted by Monday, April 15, 2019

Upload your video to Google Drive and share with (the college's videographer) by Monday, April 15, 2019.

If you have any questions, please contact Kristi Eck, college chief of staff, at, and Kristi's intern, Tarica Thomas, at Tarica is a cinema and screen studies major, who is the student leader on the Residence Hall Video Project under the supervision of Kristi Eck and the Office of Communications and Marketing.