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Here are the deadlines and descriptions for several internal funding opportunities this semester.

  • Faculty Scholarly and Creative Activity Grant
    Deadline: Monday, February 17, 2020

The Faculty Scholarly and Creative Activity Grant is designed to provide support for faculty and staff in the development of their scholarly and creative activity (SCA) programs to be more competitive in their field (i.e., enhancing the possibility of procuring external grants/contracts). Projects that are expected to result in peer-reviewed output, significant public activities/presentations and/or to have a significant impact on local/campus or national/international community will receive priority.

  • Faculty-Student Challenge Grant
    Deadline: Monday, February 17, 2020

The purpose of the Faculty-Student Challenge Grant program is to promote and support student/faculty summer scholarly collaborations that ultimately lead to publications, presentations, performances, and/or external grant applications. It is the goal of the program to assist faculty in providing motivated students, particularly undergraduates, with high-level scholarly and creative experiences. Successful applicants will be engaged in an ongoing project with one or more students who participate in a direct and meaningful way in faculty scholarly and creative activities.

  • Curriculum Innovation Grant
    Deadline: Monday, March 2, 2020

This program supports the creation of new courses or significant transformations of existing courses to improve the student learning experience. Proposals should address how course innovations serve to enhance the overall quality of curricula, expand student knowledge and skills, support the needs of our increasingly diverse student population, or implement other strategic initiatives, while embedding evidence-based learning practices.

For additional information and guidelines on these and other internal grants available on campus, visit the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs' Internal Grants webpage.