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The Student Association (SA) is the on-campus student government at SUNY Oswego and covers a range of topics and issues on campus. The SA works as a force on behalf of Oswego's student body and brings issues forth to the faculty, staff and administration.

Every year, the Student Association holds an election for the president and vice president of the organization. As president, you become the face of the organization, get to work on projects all across campus, and serve as the leading force of change on this campus. The vice president is the leader of the Student Association Senate and oversees all of its operations.

If either of the positions sounds like the job for you, we encourage you to run. Either of these positions will look amazing on any resume -- either for graduate school or for that first job after college. For the election, you must obtain 500 signatures from your fellow students on campus to show that they want you to run for the presidency. You will also participate in debates and have an article posted about you in the Oswegonian.

Petitions are out now in The Point.  As the elections chair, I (Matthew Emerick) will be happy to assist you in any way to get you started. I will also hold an information meeting with you personally to answer any questions.  To contact me, you can email  I look forward to working with you in the near future.

Matthew Emerick
Elections Chair
Student Association