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Penfield Library is pleased to announce that applications are open for 2020 College Impact Collections Grants. Applications are due on March 31.

New this year is that Penfield can now accept applications for ebooks.

About the grant:

Grants of up to $500 each will be awarded to faculty and professional staff for selection of materials supporting professional development, scholarly activity, program/course curriculum needs or student success.

All material will become part of the Penfield Library Collection and physical items will receive a bookplate with awardee name, department and year the grant was issued.


All full- and part-time faculty and professional staff are eligible for grants, regardless of whether or not you have received a library grant previously.

Evaluation criteria:

Applications will be evaluated for:

  • Completeness of application
  • Impact in supporting the college and its strategic initiatives
  • Publication dates of materials within the last five years (if you request something older, please provide justification)

Priority will be given to:

  • Materials supporting new programs/courses
  • Achieving a representative mix of the many departments of SUNY Oswego among the grant recipients

Submission instructions:

  1. Applications are due by 5 p.m., March 31, 2020.
  2. Use the online College Impact Collections Grant form.
  3. Please provide a prioritized list of items requested. Note that there are format restrictions for eligible items (see below).
  4. For each item, include:
  • Author
  • Title
  • Year
  • ISBN (if one exists)
  • Price
  • Link to item (if you have one)
  • Any notes and comments you think would help us locate this item

Awardees will be notified by email within three weeks of the submission deadline.

Format restrictions:

These grants are designed for one-time purchases of up-to-date items that would otherwise be unavailable, and they are intended for use by all Library users. Hence, the following formats are not eligible for grants.

  • Multiple copies of a single item
  • Journals
  • Traditional textbooks
  • VHS tapes
  • Streaming video
  • Download files (PDF, video, etc.)
  • Software

Contact Lynne Rhys ( with any questions.