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Dear Campus Community, 

In light of the current environment surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, our on-campus activities around Quest 2020 have been cancelled (Syracuse and main campus). However, we are excited to partner with Penfield Library to offer a digital opportunity for both students and faculty to showcase their creative and scholarly work. 

Quest 2020 will be delivered through Oswego’s Digital Library.

We are asking those who wish to continue to be Quest participants to create an account and upload their work (between now and mid-April).

They may choose to upload PDF files, narrated PowerPoint, media slideshows, Word docs, a pre-recorded presentation, an audio file, a recorded panel presentation or performance and/or pictures. Students and faculty may record themselves on smartphones or just choose to share the original paper and /or poster file. 

We encourage participants to get creative in thinking through the best way to demonstrate their work and then upload it to this digital platform. Additionally, please consider reviewing “creating accessible content” as we strive to create an equitable and inclusive environment.

For projects with multiple authors, only ONE upload is necessary. All authors will be recognized and acknowledged. Getting started is easy and Quest presenters can upload their materials right away. 

Once the official 2020 Quest program is uploaded (April 1) — we will work to link existing presentations to the program. For those projects that have been uploaded by April 15, we will provide certificates of participation for all students involved. 

This certificate will be signed by Provost Scott Furlong. Certificates will be available for pick up in the Graduate Studies office or will be mailed to students in early May. 

Top 5 Benefits of the Delivering Quest 2020 through Oswego's Digital Library:

  1. Oswego's Digital Library memorializes our Quest activities and allows access to historical and archived conference materials. 
  2. Presenters can link their professional activities to their digital resumes/LinkedIn accounts with a unique URL address. 
  3. This repository of student/faculty work and is free and easily accessible by individuals outside our institution (i.e., future employers).
  4. Faculty, staff, students, alumni and parents can “engage” on their own time with conference programming and refer back to interesting presentations.
  5. Participants of Quest 2020 can “attend” multiple sessions and won't miss the captivating conference presentations across ALL the academic units. 

We hope you will engage this new delivery for the 2020 academic year — a Quest year — we will not soon forget! Certainly, designing and executing a digital presentation in and of itself is a unique professional development opportunity for students and faculty alike.  

We wish you the best of luck — If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at  

If you have specific questions regarding Oswego's Digital Library, please email

For continued updates, please refer to our Quest website.

All the best, 

Dr. Kristen Eichhorn
Quest 2020, Director