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Let the celebration of our graduates begin! Today, the college officially launched the Class of 2020 website ( and the #OzGrad2020 social media campaign – two exciting initiatives that will serve to celebrate the members of the Class of 2020 and commemorate our graduates’ milestone achievement. We invite all members of the Oswego campus community – students, graduates, family, friends, faculty, staff and alumni – to join us in this celebration.

There are many ways to recognize and honor our graduates over the next week! Visit the Class of 2020 website where you can access celebration signs to print out and post in your windows, offices, or even your front lawns. The site also includes a link to the Oswego Kudoboard where all Oswegonians are invited to share a photo, short video, note of encouragement, piece of advice, or a (virtual) pat on the back for members of the Class of 2020.

The Class of 2020 website will also host the upcoming virtual Torchlight Ceremony (Friday, May 15 at 9 p.m.) and the virtual Graduation Celebration (Saturday, May 16 at 9 a.m.), and provide relevant information for both events. 

“We still hope to be able to hold a traditional commencement ceremony on campus sometime in the next year when it becomes safe to do so,” said President Deborah F. Stanley. “But for now, we don't want to miss this moment to make sure our graduates know how incredibly proud we are of them.”

For the next week, leading up to the virtual Torchlight and Graduation celebrations, we encourage our graduates and members of the extended Oswego family to take to social media and use the hashtag #OzGrad2020 when posting photos, short videos, favorite memories, well wishes and congratulatory messages. Students, parents, families, alumni, faculty and staff -- wear your Oswego swag and be a part of #OzGrad2020!  Make your posts special, memorable and festive so that together we can truly commemorate the occasion for the Oswego Class of 2020.

Social media posts that use the hashtag #OzGrad2020 may appear on a specially created “wall” that will appear on the Class of 2020 website. Your posts will be visible throughout the week, leading up to the virtual celebrations and beyond.  We thank you in advance for helping us celebrate the Class of 2020!