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Do you know a SUNY Oswego Graduate Of the Last Decade (GOLD) alum — classes of 2011 to 2020 — who would be interested in an exciting new volunteer opportunity with their alma mater?

The Oswego Alumni Association is relaunching our GOLD Leadership Council, and all SUNY Oswego GOLD alumni are invited to join!

As a member of the GOLD Leadership Council, alumni can:

  • Serve as a career connector for current students and fellow GOLD alumni
  • Serve as a digital engagement ambassador for SUNY Oswego
  • Assist with SUNY Oswego Admissions Office efforts
  • Connect with fellow GOLD alumni and build their professional and social networks

All interested GOLD alumni can complete our short online form with their name and contact information at

For more information, or to suggest a GOLD alum to be involved on the GOLD Leadership Council, please contact or 315-312-2258.