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SUNY Oswego has a vacancy for its Employee Assistance Program (EAP) coordinator, a position focused on helping employee well-being.

Program description: The Employee Assistance Program helps New York State employees and their family members cope with personal problems which negatively affect their lives and which might intrude upon their jobs. Emotional stress, family disintegration, financial and legal difficulties, alcoholism, drug abuse and marital disruption impair not only an employee’s personal life, but workplace productivity. EAP was formed with the knowledge that such problems can be addressed and treated with appropriate help. It is a voluntary, confidential, informational and referral service. The coordinator position is voluntary and unpaid

Coordinator responsibilities: The coordinator is responsible for referring employees to appropriate services in their community. The coordinator shall maintain confidentiality of the employee. The coordinator may also be requested to assist the EAP Committee with publicity of the program and with training of supervisors and employees. In addition, the coordinator will attend training on a monthly basis and be responsible for submitting a monthly report.

Qualifications: Demonstrated interest in assisting others, ability to relate to supervisors and co-workers and excellent organization skills are the basic prerequisites for this position. Education and/or experience in counseling, human services or a related field, and a basic knowledge of human service agencies in the geographic area would be additional assets for potential candidates. All interested parties are encouraged to apply. This position requires approximately 10 percent release time per week which must be approved by the coordinator’s supervisor.

Funding: This is a work assigned/release time position. New York State EAP provides ample training opportunities, and a training catalog is provided. A regional Field Representative from New York State EAP is also available to assist the coordinator. While there is no salary attached to this position, SUNY Oswego does provide a telephone and release time. Funding for programming, publicity/promotional materials, additional training and more. is available through the New York State EAP Grant Program. The agency and the labor unions may subsidize funding for these efforts at the local level.

Application: Forward a resume and cover letter with a list of references to Melissa Newman, EAP chairperson, at Further information may be obtained form Eric Byers, EAP Field representative, Syracuse Regional Office, 333 E. Washington St., Room 420, Syracuse, NY 13202; 315-428-4824. 

More information also is available on the SUNY Oswego EAP website.