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Dear Students,

We have designated a number of rooms around campus that can be used for study spaces or for you to participate in your synchronous (online at a scheduled time) classes. Penfield Library is also available, but has reduced capacity due to social distancing requirements. You should plan to use head/earphones when in these spaces in order to respect others who may be using the spaces. The spaces will be set up to ensure social distancing and you must wear a face covering in these areas. In addition, you are required to clean your space with the disinfectant available in the room before you sit down.

The following rooms are/will be available:

  • Hewitt 235
  • Mahar 112
  • Mahar 215
  • MCC 143
  • Rich 219

 The following computer labs are open as well:

  • MCC 207
  • Library computer lab (entered through the 24-hour room)

We are also in the process of evaluating rooms we have scheduled for classes. Our regular (non-specialized) classrooms will be available for you during times that classes are not scheduled (Monday through Friday). Classrooms will have schedules on their doors. If classes are not scheduled, and the door is open, you are welcomed to use the space. Again, you will be expected to disinfect these spaces before you use them.


Scott Furlong