Junior technology education major Margaret Romano and her team placed second overall in the National Communications Challenge for their video submission that showed range in technology education for a large national conference in March in Orlando. The ITEEA (International Technology and Engineering Educators Association)/TEECA (Technology and Engineering Education Collegiate Association) Conference's communications challenge provided students a fun and creative way to showcase not only their technology skills, but also the communication skills they are taught through the technology education curriculum, such as from the communications course which teaches them fundamentals from Adobe. In addition to Romano serving as director, Bryleigh Beauchat served as the assistant director and handled animation and Taylor Mackowiak served as assistant director and managed graphics, with Samuel Solomon providing the voiceover. Read more and view the winning video.
Communication Studies faculty member David Crider recently had his article, "A Public Sphere, On Demand: An Assessment of Local Podcasting," published in the journal Popular Communication. The article provides an assessment of local broadcasters' efforts to compete in the growing podcasting industry by offering locally focused podcasts to meet their listeners' demands for on-demand content. The paper was previously presented at the 2019 Broadcasting Education Association Conference, where it won Top Open Paper in the Radio & Audio Media division. Justin Penman, a 2018 Oswego alumnus, assisted with the data collection and analysis for the original study.
Distinguished Service Professor Alfred Frederick of curriculum and instruction in the School of Education, provided a seminar and workshop on Culturally Responsive Teaching to educational stakeholders in the African nation of Benin. The event was held at the Inspectors Training Center in the Benin capital of Porto-Novo. A newspaper account related that Frederick received a standing ovation and cheers upon entering the conference room, given his past recognized service to Benin and because the participants were anticipating an enriching educational experience. The estimated attendance of 150 professionals included primary and secondary school teachers, educational advisors and school subject matter inspectors.
The School of Business aims to engage students in research, and towards that end, faculty members Barry A. Friedman and Kristin Sotak recently published articles with students. Friedman supervised Olivia Smith’s honors thesis, “The Impact of the Pandemic on Employee Benefits,” and together they published their findings in the Journal of Business. This article reviewed how organizations modified employee benefits to attract, motivate and retain employees during the pandemic and proposed implications for future disruptions. Sotak and Samara Rice from the Psychology Department also published an article in the Journal of Business with student Lucia Lombardi entitled “Effective Management Styles for Low-Wage Generation Z Student Workers.” This study explored management styles to effectively manage student employees by focusing on job satisfaction and retention.
Global and international studies faculty presented at the International Studies Association 2022 annual conference. Lisa Glidden and Joshua McKeown co-presented and facilitated the workshop "Constructing a Textbook-less Class: Transitioning to OER and Cost-free Course Content" March 29 at the Innovative Pedagogy Conference. Jing Lei and McKeown presented papers on the panel "Discussion and Analysis of Chinese Academic Mobility on U.S.-China Bilateral Relations and Global Higher Education" on March 30.
Gabrielle Golfo (pictured above) was one of 21 students statewide selected to become a SUNY Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) Ambassador for 2021-2022. A double major in public relations and in gender and women’s studies, Golfo provides a face and story for the nearly 10,000 EOP students on campuses to help guide SUNY on avenues to keep increasing access, strengthen the support EOP students need to flourish and help continue increasing retention and graduation rates. Read full story.
Oswego recently hosted a very successful annual SUNYWide Film Festival in a virtual manner, where Oswego students were among the winners. Alex Griffin’s comedy short “Frame Fumble” (pictured) added to its existing honors with the festival’s Audience Choice award. In addition, Rayne Polkowski earned an honorable mention in the Experimental category for his short film “Man.” The festival earned additional recognition and viewership when Eventive, the app hosting the student screenings, selected it as one of its three featured festivals on its home screen.
Political science professor Helen Knowles published an op-ed titled "A key Supreme Court ruling protecting workers is now in jeopardy" in The Washington Post. Knowles noted the court’s 1937 decision in West Coast Hotel v. Parrish upheld a state minimum-wage law for women, and how the shifting ideology of court justices could impact future rulings in the debate on whether the federal government or states could raise minimum wage. Knowles has particular expertise on the context and history of the 1937 decision as author of the 2021 book “Making Minimum Wage: Elsie Parrish versus the West Coast Hotel Company”
Distinguished Teaching Professor Alok Kumar of physics and Distinguished Teaching Professor Ampalavanar Nanthakumar of mathematics had a joint paper entitled "Aryabhata I’s solution to accrued interest income on Principal over time. How was it done?" published in the Greek journal, Athenian Academic Periodical.
Three Oswego students had work presented at the Rochester Symposium for Physics on April 9. Michele Manno (center) and Lauren Samson (at left) presented “Cephied Interior Luminosity Curves as a Function of Depth,” while Hugh Riley Randall (right) gave a talk on “Linear Pulsation Calculations for Three Types of Variable Stars.” In addition, Manno and Randall teamed up with students from Brockport to win the event’s “Jeopardy” competition in answering some very difficult physics questions.
SUNY Oswego criminal justice faculty member Jaclyn Schildkraut and Amanda B. Nickerson from the University at Buffalo co-authored “Effects of Lockdown Drills on Students’ Fear, Perceived Risk, and Use of Avoidance Behaviors: A Quasi-Experimental Study” in Criminal Justice Policy Review.
Creative writing major Alexandria Wyckoff of the college’s Honors Program had her poem, “Yosemite, post knee-surgery," accepted into Gandy Dancer, the literary magazine based in Geneseo that accepts student work from across SUNY.