Research scholars -- From left, Benjamin Swanson, Carolina Ilie and Ian Evans with a poster detailing some of their research under a National Science Foundation summer fellowship at University of Nebraska at Lincoln.
Sociology professor and chair Tim Delaney contributed a chapter titled “The Fundamentalist Perspective on Sport” to the recently published “Routledge Handbook of the Sociology of Sport.”
Economics professor Ranjit Dighe wrote an invited blog post in July titled "The Craft Beer Explosion: Why Here? Why Now?" for Process, a blog for both the general public and scholars of the Organization of American Historians, The Journal of American History and The American Historian.
Professor Barry Friedman of the School of Business’ marketing and management faculty co-authored “Effective Governance, Female Educational Attainment, Leadership and Healthcare Outcomes” in the August 2017 edition of Scientific Research’s “Theoretical Economics Problems.” His co-authors included former Oswego faculty member Paula Bobrowski as well as Tannista Banarjee, both of Auburn University.
Carolina Ilie, associate professor in physics, and senior physics majors Ian Evans and Benjamin Swanson spent the summer doing research at University of Nebraska at Lincoln in a 2017 National Science Foundation summer fellowship with the Research Experience for Faculty and Students at Undergraduate Institutions program of the Materials Research Science and Engineering Center focused on polarization and spin phenomena in nanoferroic structures. At the end of their 10 weeks of work, much of it focused on studying printable perovskites thin films for more efficient, cheaper solar cells, they presented their research at Nebraska Summer Research Symposium on Aug, 9. Evans presented “Comparison of Edge Binding Sites of Gold Terminated Graphene Nanoribbons,” co-authored by Ilie. Swanson presented “Electric Transport of Perovskite Solar Cells,” co-authored by Evans and Ilie; Francisco Guzman (California State University at San Bernardino); Jacob Teeter, Mikhail Shekhirev, Alexander Sinitskii, Andrew Yost and Peter Dowben (UNL); and Axel Enders (University of Bayreuth). Evans and Swanson also were part the NASA DANSON experiment, analyzing samples that came from the International Space Station.
Naomi Rodriguez Jose, a senior dual major in global and international studies as well as communication and social interaction, has received funds from the Gilman International Scholarship to study in Brazil for the fall semester. She is one of nearly 1,000 American undergraduate students from 386 colleges and universities across the United States selected to receive the competitive scholarship to study or intern abroad during the 2017-18 academic year. Gilman Scholars receive up to $5,000 to apply towards study abroad or internship program costs with additional funding available for the study of a critical language overseas. She spent her summer at the University of Minnesota's Humphrey School of Public Affairs as a Public Policy and International Affairs Junior Fellow. Last October, she attended Binghamton University's Public Service Weekend. “Both of these programs enabled her to learn more about public policy development, which will help with her desire to attend graduate school for public policy,” said Lyn Blanchfield, the college’s Fulbright, Gilman, and Boren programs advisor.
Junior computer science major Abhishek Rauniyar (right) earned SUNY Oswego’s 2017 Northern New York Library Network Outstanding Student Employee Award. Penfield librarians and staff nominated student employees who exemplify the standards of service and professionalism that make them role models for all student workers in libraries. A Penfield employee for two years, Rauniyar was selected for his high level of service and professionalism in support of the library's Maker Services. The rising junior computer science major was nominated by his supervisor, Sharona Ginsberg (left), Penfield’s learning technologies librarian. "I am glad that I have been able to contribute to the Oswego community as a member of the Penfield Library's student employee team and look forward to always be of service to the student and faculty body at SUNY Oswego," Rauniyar said. Read full story
Risk management and insurance major Jeffrey Steinhoff earned a second-round InVEST Scholarship from the the insurance industry classroom-to-career education program. Steinhoff was among 76 students representing 24 high schools, colleges and universities in eight states earning the scholarship, awarded based on an essay submission, grade-point average and extracurricular activities. In 2015, while in McGraw Central High School, Steinhoff won a previous InVEST Scholarship. The Second Round Scholarship recognizes previous InVEST scholarship recipients currently in college who have completed at least three years of study in an intended degree related to a career path in the insurance industry.
In Memoriam
Constance J. Bond, 88, passed away Aug. 4. She retired as an associate professor after 30 years with the School of Education.
Ralph L. Spencer, 90, passed away July 14. He was a former acting president and vice president for academic affairs and provost, earning the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Administrative Services.