Physics fellowship -- Physics faculty member Carolina Ilie (standing) and students Dylan Richmond (at left) and Andres Inga (not pictured) spent part of their summer at University of Nebraska at Lincoln as the recipients of the National Science Foundation summer fellowship with the Research Experience for Faculty and Students at Undergraduate Institutions program of the Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC).
Alfred Frederick, distinguished service professor of curriculum and instruction in the School of Education, this summer was invited to participate at conferences in Oxford, England, and Caxias, Brazil. He made a presentation and served as a discussion leader July 15 to 18 at the 29th International Session on Educational Issues and Trends at Oxford University's Harris Manchester College as part of the Oxford International Round Table Symposium. Frederick's presentation was titled "The Impact of the Eurocentric, Male-Defined Curriculum on the Self-Concept, Self-Esteem and Academic Achievement of Culturally Diverse Student Populations: A Case for Culturally Responsive Pedagogy." Earlier, he served as discussion leader following a talk by David Cline, professor of elementary, early childhood and technology education at Saginaw Valley State University in Michigan. On Aug. 2-3, Frederick participated, along with Dr. Luzia Lima and Dr. David Rodriguez, both from Lisbon, Portugal, as a panelist during Journada Pedagogica (Day of Pedagogy) for Elementary School Teachers in Caxias, State of Maranhão, northeastern Brazil. The conference provided teacher training experiences to over 3,800 elementary school teachers, most of whom were connected online to the conference. Frederick, who participated both as a representative of SUNY Oswego and the School of Education's Project CLIMB (Collaborative Link for Instructor Mentoring in Benin and Brazil), spoke on culturally responsive classroom practices and the need to reform the traditional curriculum by including the histories, contributions, issues and perspectives of the diverse populations of culturally pluralistic societies.
Physics undergraduates Andres Inga and Dylan Richmond and associate professor of physics Carolina Ilie had productive summer collaborative research at University of Nebraska at Lincoln as the recipients of the National Science Foundation summer fellowship with the Research Experience for Faculty and Students at Undergraduate Institutions program of the Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) focused on polarization and spin phenomena in nanoferroic structures. They presented their research in a Department of Physics and Astronomy Colloquium dedicated to summer research fellows, and also at a poster presentation at the UNL Summer Research Symposium. Inga presented "Characterization of Ferromagnetic and Ferroelectric Heterostructures," with co-authors Archit Dhingra, Aashish Subedi and professor Shireen Adenwalla from UNL. Richmond presented "Optical Properties of Inkjet Printed Mixed Halide Perovskites" and has as co-authors Thilini K. Ekanayaka, Mason McCormick, Nicole Benker, Andrew Yost, Alexander Sinitskii and Peter Dowben (from UNL), Axel Enders (from University of Bayreuth) and Ilie. Richmond wrote, also in collaboration, the first draft of a paper on perovskites, in press, and will be part of the JOVE Journal of Visualized Experiments as the SUNY Oswego representative.
Shashi Kanbur, professor and chair of physics, announced a number of co-authored publications:
"On the variation of light curve parameters of RR Lyrae variables at multiple wavelengths" by Sushmita Das (Delhi University), Anupam Bhardwaj (Beijing University), Kanbur, H.P. Singh (University of Delhi), M. Marconi (Naples Observatory) was published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. “I should note that in this paper, we acknowledge the work of Brett Meerdink and Matthew Sodano, two Oswego physics majors whose work, funded through a SCAC Challenge grant was quoted in the text of the paper and acknowledged,” Kanbur said. “In fact, it was timely as were addressing the referee's comments on an earlier version of the paper. This paper is the first truly comprehensive comparison between models and observations for RR LYrae variable stars.”
“Multiwavelength light curve analysis of Cepheid variables” by Bhardwaj, Kanbur, Marconi, Singh, M. Rejkuba and C.C. Ngeow (a collaboration of Beijing University, SUNY Oswego, Naples Observatory, University of Delhi, European Southern Observatory and National Central University, Taiwan) appeared in the Proceedings of IAU Symposium No. 339, Southern Horizons in GTime-Domain Astronomy
“Near-infrared observations of OGLE classical and type II Cepheid variables in the LMC” by Bhardwaj.; L.M. Macri, Kanbur, Ngeow and Singh, (a collaboration of Beijing University, Texas A&M, Oswego, University of Delhi and National Central University, Taiwan) appeared in proceedings of IAU Symposium No. 339, 2018, Southern Horizons in GTime-Domain Astronomy.
“G-Band Period-Luminosity Relation for Galactic Cepheids Based on Gaia DR1 Measurements,” by Ngeow, Bhardwaj and Kanbur. (a collaboration of National Central University, Taiwan; Beijing University; and Oswego ) appeared in Astrometry and Astrophysics in the Gaia Sky, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium.
Damian Schofield, director of the college’s graduate program in human-computer interaction, recently published “Courting the Visual Image: The Ability of Digital Graphics and Interfaces to Alter the Memory and Behaviour of the Viewer” in Proceedings of HCI International. The article drew from Schofield’s 25 years experimenting with and examining a range of visual-based presentation technology introduced into courtrooms around the world, assessing the effect of visual technology on users. Schofield and HCI graduate Kevin Graham co-authored “Rock God or Game Guru: Using Rocksmith to Learn to Play a Guitar” in the Journal of Music, Technology and Education. The research paper assessed the game as a learning tool and examined player motivations in attempting to understand why different players spent time with the game.