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Simone Bednarik

January 25, 2022

Freshman business administration major Simone Bednarik, a women's hockey player from Illinois in the college's Honors Program, recently had an unparalleled experience playing for the Slovakia national team in Europe for a chance to play in the Winter Olympics.

Ravi Teja Manchi

November 30, 2021

Ravi Teja (TJ) Manchi, a master’s in human-computer interaction student from India, came to Oswego for the renowned and distinctive program. He’s since found helpful and knowledgeable professors, an active international community and the skills to pursue future success.

Audrey Pryll

October 22, 2021

Junior technology education major Audrey Pryll talks about the program’s great reputation and hands-on work, the outstanding faculty, how the Presidential Scholarship supports her work, how she’s involved on campus and more.

Skylar Bechard

August 30, 2021

Skylar Bechard came from Southern California to SUNY Oswego to join a rising Laker volleyball team and a nationally recognized zoology program. She’s one of many student-athletes looking forward to the return of live fall sports contests on Sept. 1.

Kaushal Joshi

July 27, 2021

Kaushal Joshi, a junior dual major in anthropology and in global and international studies from Nepal, is a Laker Leader captain who is passionate about his academic interests and in making a difference for the campus and the world.

Nychelle Thomas

April 27, 2021

For human development major Nychelle Thomas, an ongoing desire to support children’s well-being, dovetailing with SUNY Oswego’s academic quality and convenient Syracuse campus, is a winning formula that meshes with full-time work at Upstate Pediatrics and a busy family life.

Yahya Ndiaye

March 22, 2021

A broken computer and a brilliant mind helped bring Yahya Ndiaye from Senegal to Oswego -- first for the GENIUS Olympiad, then to study electrical and computer engineering. The president of the Muslim Student Association also helps welcome new Lakers by working with New Student Orientation and as a resident mentor in Johnson Hall.

Coralys Diaz

February 19, 2021

Senior human development major Coralys Diaz came to Oswego as undecided, but found her path through the help of caring mentors. She pays it forward by helping students feel welcome at Oswego, working in the Admissions Office and interning in the college's Educational Opportunity Program, among many other activities.

Daniel Maslowski

January 22, 2021

Daniel Maslowski, a senior meteorology major and WTOP-10 TV chief meteorologist, won this year's Launch It competition with SWTRS, an idea to save lives and resources related to weather emergencies. He appreciates the faculty mentors and many opportunities he's found in the meteorology program.

Jayvana Perez

November 30, 2020

Jayvana Perez, a junior dual major in communication and social interaction and in criminal justice, talks about being president of the Latino Student Union, helping organize the ALANA Conference and a special 2019 project in Puerto Rico.