The next installment of Rice Creek Associates (RCA) Reflections will feature an expert talk on “Poking About With Porcupies” at 2 p.m. on Saturday, March 29, at SUNY Oswego’s Rice Creek Field Station.

In this free public session, Pat Carney will detail the lives of these creatures that are seen as prickly but are more complicated.

At first glance, the North American porcupine may seem to have a carefree and leisurely approach to life. However, biological stress, natural predators and human interaction frame a different perspective of porcupine life. Attendees can enjoy an indoor slide presentation and talk on the natural history and interesting behaviors of these fascinating forest animals.

Upon finding a wooly bear caterpillar at an early age in New York City, Carney was captivated by a wonder for wildlife, and her experiences through the following years fueled a passion for learning, sharing with others and nurturing our connections with the natural world. 

Carney has worked as an environmental interpreter and naturalist for over 30 years and was the environmental interpreter for the Amboy Environmental Education Center. She presents natural history programs on amphibians, woodcock, owls, porcupines, waterfowl, wildflowers and more, and guides groups on interpretive nature experiences through woodlands, brooks, ponds and fields. She has presented programs for schools, libraries, community organizations, festivals and professional conferences.

The event will also stream live via Zoom link available on Rice Creek’s events page at

Rice Creek Associates is a community of like-minded people who share a passion for nature and a desire to support Rice Creek Field Station. Formed in 1986, RCA supports Rice Creek Field Station's mission by expanding the scientific, educational, and recreational opportunities at the Field Station through community involvement. 

For more information, including a link to join RCA for as little as $5 or $10, visit the RCA website.