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Student-faculty team to screen Safe Haven documentary 'Only 982' on campus

November 12, 2018

"Only 982," a 14-minute documentary, will screen at 4 p.m. Friday (Nov. 16) in Marano Campus Center auditorium. A question-and-answer session with filmmakers Mic-Anthony Hay, a senior in journalism, and English and creative writing faculty member Juliet Aires Giglio will follow.

Awards + honors

Promo by student TV station WTOP wins national recognition

November 7, 2018

For Griffin Bruce, seeing a promotional spot he produced for SUNY Oswego’s student-run TV station WTOP win national recognition was a great payoff for the club that convinced him to attend the college and made his time there so rewarding.


Student creates resource to help educators better understand dyslexia

October 25, 2018

SUNY Oswego senior broadcasting major Oreal Vernon used one of her classes to help faculty and administrators understand what she and an estimated 43.5 million Americans deal with daily.


Media Summit to focus on 'Viral Voices' driving social, business advocacy

October 5, 2018

Panelists from the communications and business worlds will explore a phenomenon that literally has put the power to build grassroots movements in the palm of one's hand in "Viral Voices: Advocacy in the Digital Age" at SUNY Oswego's 14th annual Dr. Lewis B. O'Donnell Media Summit.


Online broadcasting student gaining fame, following as Joely Live

September 26, 2018

Like many college students, SUNY Oswego online broadcasting major Joely Rice works hard to stay up to date while juggling other responsibilities. For her, this includes running a daily advice show to a wide audience on the TikTok app and traveling the world to hold photo shoots empowering young girls.


Student teaches, learns through Jamaica Field Service Project

August 23, 2018

SUNY Oswego senior communication and social interaction major Isabella Falcigno studied abroad this summer with the Jamaica Field Service Project, teaching students but also learning by seeing their perspectives.

Documentaries showcase 'Many Voices, One Oswego; Diversity and Inclusion in the Arts'

June 25, 2018

SUNY grant supports student-produced documentaries that explore topics of diversity through the lens of the arts - visual and performing.

Awards + honors

Kristen Eichhorn earns distinguished teaching award

June 1, 2018

Teaching ability, helpful mentorship and service to the field of communication have earned Kristen Eichhorn, SUNY Oswego’s dean of graduate studies, the Eastern Communication Association (ECA) Distinguished Teaching Fellows award.

Arts + culture

Intercultural student teams prepare films, artwork for April 17 gala

March 30, 2018

SUNY Oswego faculty member Francisco Suárez says an intercultural student documentary project will dovetail with a Tuesday, April 17, presentation on campus by noted documentary filmmaker Rita Coburn.


Media Summit to feature White House journalists, take on 'fake news'

October 13, 2017

SUNY Oswego's 13th annual Lewis B. O'Donnell Media Summit will take on "fake news" as its discussion focus, presenting a balanced panel of White House and other broadcast news industry veterans to talk and listen to other viewpoints around the often politically and emotionally charged subject.