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Partnering to produce face shields for the community

April 3, 2020

Educators from SUNY Oswego are putting their skills toward supporting a critical need during the COVID-19 pandemic -- producing protective face shields for healthcare workers and first responders.

Leigh Wilson reads her short story, "The Ledger"

April 2, 2020

Award-winning fiction writer Leigh Wilson, chair of SUNY Oswego's department of English and creative writing, reads her short story "The Ledger."


Notes From Home: Did you know SUNY Oswego has a greenhouse?

April 2, 2020

SUNY Oswego has so many amazing resources for research -- including a greenhouse on the top floor of the Shineman Center.


Notes From Home: Remembering #Rokerthon

March 31, 2020

Remembering #Rokerthon: Three years ago, SUNY Oswego broke a Guinness World Record live on NBC's "Today" show with alumnus Al Roker. It’s another example of being #TogetherOz!


Notes From Home: The making of the Oz chicken patty

March 27, 2020

If you're missing the Oz chicken patty right now, we look back at how SUNY Oswego's most famous food is created and why it's so delicious. We look forward to enjoying future Oz chicken patty days #TogetherOz.


Notes From Home: Oz rocks

March 25, 2020

Art department faculty member Amy Bartell is finding a way to share encouragement and a reminder that we are all #TogetherOz.

Notes From Home: We Are #TogetherOz

March 22, 2020

We hope you enjoy the new “Notes from Home” feature, designed to help us all stay connected while we learn, educate and work remotely.

Video: Ursula Wilkinson

October 10, 2019

Ursula Wilkinson, Campus Technology Services' information security analyst, leads the charge to keep data and individuals safe from online attacks, and offers tips tying in with National Cybersecurity Awareness Month.

Upskilling in a Digital World: Connect, learn and level up

October 4, 2019

SUNY Oswego’s Upskilling in a Digital World event will connect students with alumni who will talk about the skills that are highly sought after in today’s business and technology sectors.

Video: Dorcas Afolayan

September 30, 2019

Dorcas Afolayan, a dual major in anthropology and global studies from Richmond, Virginia, talks about what interested her in how humans work, her studies abroad, interaction with faculty and more.