Around the SUNY Oswego campus
Aug. 16, 2023

On Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2023, SUNY Oswego officially welcomed a new president in Dr. Peter O. Nwosu, pictured here starting work in his office. The new president sent a welcoming message to the campus community expressing his excitement and enthusiasm toward leading the institution.

In addition to its traditional eight campus-based new student orientation programs this summer, SUNY Oswego traveled to Midtown Manhattan to deliver a special orientation program for Downstate New York students. More than 250 students and 125 family supporters attended the inaugural Downstate Orientation Program. They also enjoyed a visit (pictured) from SUNY Chancellor John B. King Jr. (Photo provided by Student Orientation and Family Engagement)

SUNY Oswego's Syracuse Campus hosted New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, Secretary of State Robert J. Rodriguez and a panel of local leaders and other partners to discuss the Downtown Revitalization Initiative and NY Forward programs, organized by the New York Department of State. Governor Hochul announced another $200 million in funding available for the programs, which accelerate and bolster the revitalization of downtowns and neighborhoods in all 10 regions of the state. Here (from left in foreground) Mary C. Toale, as Officer in Charge, provided a welcome to participants and guests, and enjoyed the event with Gov. Hochul and Deputy Secretary of State for Planning, Development and Community Infrastructure Kisha Santiago. (Photo courtesy of Governor Kathy Hochul on Flickr)

During a event at SUNY Oswego’s Syracuse Campus on July 26, Chief of Staff/Executive Director of Strategic Initiatives, External Partnerships and Legislative Affairs Kristi Eck served on a panel of partners to the Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) and NY Forward programs, moderated by (at right) Deputy Secretary of State for Planning, Development and Community Infrastructure Kisha Santiago. The New York Department of State partnered with the university on the event, which also included an appearance from New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, announcing another $200 million in funding available for these community development programs.

A SUNY Oswego student-faculty collaboration is producing a documentary demonstrating the biodiversity and community history of the Sterling Nature Center (SNC), a preserve 10 miles west of the lakeside campus, thanks to support of the Shineman Endowed Fund. Students involved in the project interview Charlie Itzin (center, seated), a member of Friends of Sterling Nature Center and a longtime SUNY Oswego faculty member. Shown filming Itzin from left are Lauren Smith, Wells Liscomb and (adjusting camera at right of frame) Ryan King. They are working with faculty members Laura Donnelly of English and creative writing and Tiffany Deater and Jarrod Hagadorn of cinema and screen studies.

Three SUNY Oswego CSTEP (Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program) students were among those helping with a recent Micron-sponsored Chip Camp in July, hosted at Onondaga Community College (OCC) for more than 100 students from Onondaga and Oswego counties. Shown from left are Nadrata Abdul-Salam, Cheyenne Sinchico and Olivia Odigie.

The Employee Appreciation Barbecue, hosted by Officer in Charge Mary C. Toale on July 18, was notable both in its high turnout coupled with an environmentally friendly approach. Due to planning and cooperation of the Office of Sustainability and Auxiliary Services, the event generated “Zero pounds of true trash, zero pounds of recyclables and 138 pounds of compostable organics resulting in a 100 percent waste diversion rate,” Sustainability Director Kate Spector noted. Shown from left working the barbecue are Mitch Fields, associate vice president for facilities services; Spector; Stephen McAfee, assistant vice president and executive director of Auxiliary Services; and Dan Griffin, a graphic design intern for the Office of Sustainability.

University Police partnered with the Oswego Police Department, Oswego County Traffic Safety Board, Oswego County Health Department and other local agencies to host a community bike rodeo for youngsters in the Oswego area. The Aug. 2 bicycle riding safety event was held in Romney Field House parking lot on the SUNY Oswego campus. Young riders navigate the course, which included familiar traffic control signs and pedestrian crossings.

University Police Officer Tina Bedard skillfully rides a unicycle along with the kids on their bikes along the course during the Aug. 2 community bike rodeo. University Police partnered with the Oswego Police Department, Oswego County Traffic Safety Board, Oswego County Health Department and other local agencies to host the event for youngsters in the Romney Field House parking lot on the SUNY Oswego campus

The 44th annual Sheldon Institute for Barbara Shineman Scholars program, which ran this summer from July 24 to Aug. 4, provided children entering grades two through ten wonderful opportunities to explore their interests and develop their skills in fun and creative ways in class sessions led by professional educators. Lauren Boyer (right) teaches art painting, stained glass collage and air dry clay sessions in Park Hall.

The Sheldon Institute programs included various activities from hands-on workshops and field trips to games and social events. Sheldon Institute's goal is to create a learning environment where youngsters can thrive and make lasting connections with peers who share their passion for learning. Participants in the class on frisbee tricks session learned some amazing new skills taught by Bill Demott.

Students in the intermediate class of Sheldon Institute for Barbara Shineman Scholars program studied “The Amazing Rainforest,” which included painting tropical birds during a class in Wilber Hall.

Students created colorful papier mache birds in Wilber Hall during the Sheldon Institute for Barbara Shineman Scholars program.

Lauren Boyer (left) teaches art painting in Park Hall during the Sheldon Institute for Barbara Shineman Scholars program.

The Sheldon Institute for Barbara Shineman Scholars program featured a variety of opportunities for students to express their creativity and form new connections, including art painting classes in Park Hall.

Enterprise Holdings Foundation presented a gift of $10,000 to SUNY Oswego Career Services. Zoe Arnell (second from left), Oswego branch manager of Enterprise Holdings, and Jody Giarrusso (third from left), talent acquisition manager of Enterprise Human Resources, present the check to Gary Morris (left), director of career services, and Jennifer Hill, executive director of career services, corporate and foundation relations at SUNY Oswego.

University Police continued its longstanding partnership with Special Olympics by raising $1250 in donations during an Aug. 11 "Go For The Gold" fundraiser at the Dunkin' Donuts just off campus. Shown are Officer Scott Maynard with participant Lou Wildrick from Oswego. (Photo provided by University Police)