Around the SUNY Oswego campus
Aug. 28, 2024

SUNY Oswego President Peter O. Nwosu lights his candle after Torchbearer and Student Association President Aiden Wilson lights the traditional torch on the platform during the Welcoming Torchlight Ceremony on Aug. 21.

President Peter O. Nwosu speaks during the 35th annual Welcoming Torchlight Ceremony.

Torchbearer Aiden Wilson, a senior and Student Association president, lights the candle held by Vice President for University Advancement Mary Canale ’81.

Senior Melinda Brancato served as student speaker for the 35th annual Welcoming Torchlight Ceremony.

Senior Clarissa Karki served as student emcee for the 35th annual Welcoming Torchlight Ceremony.

Students hold candles during the Welcoming Torchlight Ceremony, which welcomes the newest Lakers into the SUNY Oswego family.

Students hold candles during the Welcoming Torchlight Ceremony. The candles represent passing the Torch of Learning to students as they embark on their academic journey.

Members of the university’s State Singers sing the university’s Alma Mater at the conclusion of the Welcoming Torchlight Ceremony.

New students were busy moving into their residence halls on Wednesday, Aug. 21. The university’s new Director of Workforce Innovation and Community Impact Kathryn Watson (plaid shirt) was among the staff and student helpers assisting incoming students moving into the lakeside residence halls in crews located around campus entry points and at residence halls.

Residence halls across campus were busy as many students moved in Aug. 21. Pictured is the activity at Johnson Hall, as first-year students are welcomed to their new home.

A feeling of excitement and teamwork was in the air as new students, as well as faculty and staff helpers, gathered for the annual "O" photo on Lee Hall field.

President's Cabinet members (from left) Jamal Coleman, director of operations in the Office of the President; President Peter O. Nwosu; and Victoria Furlong, vice president for administration and finance, and many other college administrators, faculty and staff helped coordinate the hundreds of students Aug. 22 for the annual "O" photo on the Lee Hall soccer field.

An aerial photo shows the hundreds of new Lakers, as well as faculty and staff guides, coming together for a giant "O" for Oswego on the Lee Hall field.

President Peter O. Nwosu welcomes a room filled with new international students during their orientation program Aug. 21 in the Shineman Center.

New international students enjoy their orientation sessions hosted Aug. 21 in the Shineman Center by the Office of International Education and Programs.

The annual campus Opening Picnic on Aug. 21 unfolded under perfect weather this year greets students, faculty and staff to the new semester in the week prior to the start of classes. Groups of students enjoyed expertly prepared food and beverages in a leisurely setting between Marano Campus Center and Penfield Library.

The Opening Picnic on Aug. 21 provided an opportunity for new Lakers and others to make connections over food and conversations.

Businesses from the Oswego area such as D.P. Dough, pictured, visited campus during opening week at Taste of Oswego on Aug. 22 between Marano Campus Center and Penfield Library. Vendors shared their dishes with the newest Lakers to provide a flavor of what local businesses have to offer.

New students worked with local agencies in an Oswego Serves day of service just before the start of the semester. Students assisted with projects such as a Habitat for Humanity home construction, Harm Reduction Kits with Oswego County Opportunities and more. Pictured are new students filling kits Aug 24 in the Marano Campus Center food and activities court, organized by the Student Engagement and Leadership Office and the Student Association.

Incoming students and others gathered at the Marano Campus Center bus loop Aug. 22 for the third annual Paint the Road Green event, part of opening week for the newest Lakers.

President Peter. O. Nwosu speaks during the Opening Breakfast Aug. 20 to welcome faculty and professional staff as the new semester begins.

Politics professor Lisa Glidden receives her Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Faculty Service and congratulations from President Peter O. Nwosu at the Opening Breakfast. Watch Oswego Today for a full story on her award.

Accounting faculty member Andrea Pagano receives her Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching and congratulations from President Peter O. Nwosu at the Opening Breakfast. Watch Oswego Today for a full story on her award.

Politics faculty member Allison Rank receives her Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching and congratulations from President Peter O. Nwosu at the Opening Breakfast. Watch Oswego Today for a full story on her award.

Kristin Gublo, instructional support specialist for the Chemistry Department, receives her Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Professional Service and congratulations from President Peter O. Nwosu at the Opening Breakfast. Watch Oswego Today for a full story on her award.

Magdalena (Maggie) D. Rivera, assistant dean of students for student outreach and support, receives her Chancellor's Award in Professional Service and congratulations from President Peter O. Nwosu at the Opening Breakfast. Watch Oswego Today for a full story on her award.

Psychology faculty member Mark Mirabito receives his Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Adjunct Teaching and congratulations from President Peter O. Nwosu at the Opening Breakfast. Watch Oswego Today for a full story on his award.

A number of outstanding faculty and staff received campus awards during the Academic Affairs Retreat on Aug. 20. From left are Roberta Hurtado, President's Award for Excellence in Faculty Service; Margaret Schmuhl, President's Award for Excellence for Teaching Excellence; Cara Thompson, President's Award for Excellence in Academic Advisement; Jason Zenor, President's Award for Excellence in Academic Advisement; Lizette Alvarado, President's Award for Excellence in Professional Service; and Michael Chaness, President's Award forTeaching Excellence.

Those recognized during the Academic Affairs Retreat on Aug. 20 included, from left, J.R. Walsh, Provost's Award for Excellence for Teaching Excellence by Part Time Faculty; and Yonggang Wang, Provost's Award for Excellence for Teaching Excellence in Scholarly and Creative Activity.

Recipients for awards in research excellence were recognized during the Academic Affairs Retreat on Aug. 20. Medals are awarded for cumulative external grants: Gold for $1 million or more; silver for $500,000; bronze for $250,000. From left, Associate Provost for Research and Sponsored Programs Bill Bowers congratulates medal winners Nicholas Sard, Silver Medal; Kristen Haynes, Bronze Medal; Kamal Mohamed, Silver Medal; Joanne O'Toole, Gold Medal; Michelle Storie, Gold Medal; and Sien Hu, Silver Medal.

New Faculty and Professional Staff Orientation on Aug. 19 and 20 welcomed a large and talented group of faculty members.

New Faculty and Professional Staff Orientation on Aug. 19 and 20 welcomed a sizable and skilled cohort of new professional staff members.