Around the SUNY Oswego campus
Feb. 22, 2017

Deborah Arduini (left) of the Student Accounts Office and her sister-in-law, MBA program administrative aide Melissa Arduini, frame themselves as supporters of the American Heart Association's Wear Red Day. The college celebrated the occasion on Valentine's Day along the Marano Campus Center concourse with free blood pressure screenings, nutritional information, games and a raffle. Wear Red Day is a fundraiser for the Heart Association's campaign "Go Red for Women," which seeks to raise awareness that heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women.

On Feb. 14, college President Deborah F. Stanley (front left) and SUNY Oswego employees show their support for the American Heart Association's Go Red for Women campaign, which benefited from the planning of Erin Dorsey, Kristin Gublo and Betsy Oberst and the efforts of building captains across campus.

Shenandoah Briere, a member of the class of 2017, helps one of hundreds of students who stopped Feb. 14 at a table near the food court in Marano Campus Center to show their thanks during Love a Donor Day.

Student volunteers rally around Love a Donor Day to thank college employees and others for making contributions to the Fund for Oswego. The Office of University Development reports that 6,918 donors gave $4.2 million to help support scholarships, activities and programs that directly enhance the quality of students' educational experience.

Kenneth Marshall (center) of the history faculty displays his award from the college's Black Student Union for his teaching and mentoring of students inside and outside the classroom. Marshall's award came Feb. 11 during Maarifa -- Swahili for "knowledge" -- a Quest-like recognition of scholarly and creative excellence during Black History Month. Students honoring him, from left, are Marquel Jeffries, Malik David, Aaron Garcia and Sasha Huff. (Submitted photo)

Junior Tobi Arawumi (standing at right) addresses a question to college President Deborah F. Stanley on Feb. 8 in Marano Campus Center auditorium during the first town hall meeting of the spring semester. Stanley responded to questions about globalization in the context of President Donald Trump's executive order banning immigration from several countries, a petition to make the college a "sanctuary campus," heat in residence halls, shuttle buses and other topics. The town hall forums give the president direct feedback on concerns of students.

Activist, author and BK Nation co-founder Kevin Powell (right) speaks with Renee Landers-Jennings, associate director of residence life and housing, after Powell's I Am Oz diversity series talk on Thursday, Feb. 16, in Sheldon Hall ballroom. Powell discussed the need to celebrate diversity, and highlighted Black History Month by talking about how much he has learned from studying influential African Americans and everything they have contributed to the nation's history. (Submitted photo)

Presidential Purchase Award winners among students with work entered in the college's 54th annual Juried Student Exhibition gather with (second from right) college President Deborah F. Stanley. From left are Brandon Smith of the master's in art education (MAT) program, senior graphic design major Trevor Krencik, master's in art student Mark Linkletter and senior graphic design major Marie DiLorenzo. Not pictured is senior graphic design major David Dross. The award winners' work becomes part of the college's permanent collection. (Submitted photo)

Leighton Elementary School sixth-graders take a look at the new recording studio in Tyler Hall on Feb. 10, as SUNY Oswego music department recording technician Josh Russell (right) explains the digital audio console. At left rear are senior music major Cam Caruso and Leighton teacher Michaela Kearns.

Seven faculty members have been promoted to the rank of full professor in the School of Education, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the School of Communication, Media and the Arts. Attending the Feb. 16 Full Professor Recognition Dinner reception in Tyler Art Gallery are (from left) Amy Shore of English and creative writing, Martha Bruch of chemistry, Robert Auler of music, Jean Hallagan of curriculum and instruction, Mark Hardy of Technology, Mary Toale of communication studies and James MacKenzie of biological sciences.

The Sustainability Office recently launched a student-driven "Perk Up" campaign to announce the availability of reusable cups to stem the trash tide of single-use containers. Staffing a Marano Campus Center concourse information table on Feb. 13 are (from left) Samantha Flavell, a volunteer representing Alpha Phi Omega; senior Brielle Jodeit, a Sustainability Office intern; and senior Heather Robinson, an Alpha Phi Omega volunteer. Other campaigns have highlighted reusable water containers and colorful signage to educate campus citizens on what and where to recycle.

Ruth Stevens (left), director of residential dining, accepts a check from Emily Nassir, Student Association president and Miss-A-Meal event coordinator, for the spring charitable drive, which raised $3,194.79 for S.H.O.P., the college's food, clothing and toiletries pantry on Penfield Library's lower level. Miss-A-Meal -- students forego one meal per semester, donating the savings to causes of their choice -- has been a proud tradition of SUNY Oswego students for more than 55 years.

Freshman forward Jacquelin White sets up on the goal's doorstep against Buffalo State over the weekend of Feb. 11-12. Oswego State women's hockey went 1-1 against Buffalo State on consecutive days at Marano Campus Center arena in their annual Pink-the-Rink weekend to support Colleges Against Cancer -- a part of the American Cancer Society -- and the fight against breast cancer by wearing their unique pink jerseys.

Laker women's hockey senior forward Erika Truschke gives young fan Arius Cunningham, 4, a high-five through the glass after Oswego's Senior Day game on Saturday, a 1-1 tie against William Smith. Truschke and the other six seniors on the team (16-7-2 overall, 10-6-2 in conference) will aim to keep their college careers going when they travel to Utica for a 7 p.m. Thursday opening-round ECAC West playoff game. The Lakers and Pioneers split their regular-season meetings earlier in the season.

The Oswego women's hockey team, their families, coaches and some fans celebrate Senior Day on Saturday at Marano Campus Center arena. The seven seniors are Kendall Appelbaum, Brennan Butler, Ashley Lyman, Alli Ullrich, Alyssa Brockmann, Alexa Aramburu and Erika Truschke.

The 12 seniors on the men's ice hockey team gather Saturday on Senior Night at Marano Campus Center arena. (top row from left) J.J. Hart, Joey Davies, Chris Waterstreet, Andrew Barton, Alex Botten, Chris Raguseo and Stephen Johnson; (middle row from left) Sean Federow, Shawn Hulshof, Matt Galati and Kenny Neil; and (in front) Matt Zawadzki.

Senior forward Kenny Neil (far right at net) scores Oswego's sixth goal Saturday as the Lakers cruise, 6-1, over Buffalo State on Senior Night at Marano Campus Center arena. Senior forward Andrew Barton (center) and senior defenseman Stephen Johnson assisted. A weekend sweep -- Oswego also won at home Friday, 2-1, against Fredonia -- propelled the Lakers (13-2-1 in the SUNY Athletic Conference; 20-4-1 overall) to home ice and a bye into the conference championship's semifinal round at 7 p.m. Saturday. Tickets went on sale Tuesday.

Lakers junior guard Ian Schupp steams past a Brockport defender Saturday en route to a career-high 31 points on 10-for-17 shooting. Though Oswego lost, 80-75, on the Golden Eagles' court, the Laker men's basketball team had secured the No. 1 seed, a first-round bye and home-court advantage in the SUNY Athletic Conference Championship by winning Friday at Geneseo, also 80-75. Oswego will play a semifinal game against either Cortland or Buffalo State at 7:30 p.m. Friday at Max Ziel Gymnasium in Laker Hall. The final will take place there at 4 p.m. Saturday. Oswego seeks to win its way back into the NCAA Tournament as they have done the last two years, highlighted by an appearance to the Sweet 16 last year.