Around the SUNY Oswego campus
Jan. 27, 2016

Sarah VanPatten (left) of Oswego swims with her 3-year-old son Chase in the Lee Hall pool Jan. 20, thanks to President Deborah F. Stanley's invitation to all in the community for Cruisin' the Campus at Winter Break. College recreational facilities, athletic events and venues for discovery, fitness, fun and shopping were open at numerous published times and dates from Dec. 21 to Jan. 24. Most of the opportunities were free of charge.

SUNY Oswego students in Lee Hall Gym on Jan. 20 net some playing time during Cruisin' the Campus at Winter Break.

Yoga instructor Kimberly Bracken (right), a junior zoology major and Fitness Center student employee, works with a participant Dec. 4 in Candelight Yoga in the lobby of Health Services, part of Stress Free Zone activities offered by the Counseling Center, the Care Network and the Fitness Center during finals week.

Candidates for graduation assemble in Marano Campus Center's food and activity court prior to the Dec. 12 commencement in the building's adjacent arena and convocation hall. The college has awarded 366 undergraduate and 78 master's degrees or graduate certificates.

December commencement speaker Louis A. Borrelli Jr., a media pioneer who received an honorary doctorate in humane letters from the State University of New York, talks to candidates for graduation about the importance of context in filtering the many sources of news and information during the Dec. 12 ceremony in Marano Campus Center arena and convocation hall. Borrelli, a 1977 alumnus, founded the college's Media Summit and later teamed with NBC's Al Roker, class of '76, to make substantial gifts to name the summit in honor of their beloved professor Lewis B. O'Donnell.

SUNY Chancellor Nancy L. Zimpher (left) discusses the university system’s Stand With SUNY campaign Dec. 17 at the SUNY Oswego Metro Center in the company of college President Deborah F. Stanley. The goals of Stand With SUNY are to secure increased state investment for the State University system in order to build base funding for its state-operated campuses, community colleges, statutory campuses and teaching hospitals; grow the Investment and Performance Fund so that SUNY can bring evidence-based programs to scale; and extend NYSUNY 2020 to continue the challenge grants for campuses and keep tuition-setting authority with the SUNY Board of Trustees, while ensuring tuition flexibility by the college sector. Zimpher appeared at a joint meeting of the CenterState Corporation for Economic Opportunity, a 12-county business leadership and economic development organization chaired by Stanley, and the Manufacturers Association of New York State.

Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences members Adrienne McCormick of SUNY Oswego (second from left) and other deans of liberal arts and sciences from around the State University system connect at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., on Nov. 6 during the council's 50th annual meeting. From left are Sayi Iyer of Geneseo, McCormick, João Sedycias of Oneonta, Zora Thomova of SUNY Polytechnic, Carlos Jones of Buffalo State, Monica Brasted of Brockport and Venkat Sharma of Oneonta. (Submitted by Adrienne McCormick)

College President Deborah F. Stanley (left) speaks in the Marano Campus Center food and activity court with meteorology major Ashanté McLeod-Perez on Dec. 3 during the second such opportunity last semester for students to have informal discussions with Oswego's president. Students can meet with Stanley without an appointment on any topic during the drop-in hours. The president will continue to hold the sessions this semester; the times and dates will be announced via Twitter and digital messaging on campus screens.

Shashi Kanbur (right), SUNY Oswego professor of physics, works Dec. 16 on campus with Anupam Bhardwaj (left), a student from Delhi University in India whose doctoral thesis Kanbur is supervising. Bhardwaj recently won a competitive and prestigious European Southern Observatory (ESO) Garching Studentship for work on his doctorate in Germany this year. Bhardwaj's project will be a collaboration of Oswego, ESO, Delhi University and the VVV astronomical survey (VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea), Kanbur said. His fellowship work, according to Kanbur, "will provide lots of opportunities for Oswego physics/math/CS (computer science) students." Kanbur said he intends to visit Bhardwaj this summer in Garching. This month, Bhardwaj visited Adam Riess, 2011 Nobel laureate in physics, at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore to work on a joint project, Kanbur said.

Joshua McKeown (second from left), Oswego's director of international education and programs, gathers staff members Dec. 22 to talk about a national award won by the office's "I, Too, Am Study Abroad" diversity and inclusion campaign. The Institute for International Education on Monday formally announced that SUNY Oswego would receive one of only three honors in the study abroad category of the Andrew Heiskell Awards for Innovation in International Education. The Honorable Mention award recognizes Oswego for its campaign — supported by former study-abroad participants serving as panelists and mentors — to promote the benefits of international education and the availability of scholarships to help pay for it. From left are Caitlin Pollard, education abroad specialist; McKeown; Lizette Alvarado, associate director for education abroad; and Keith Davis, assistant director for education abroad.

The Family Fun Skate sponsored by the Children's Board of Oswego attracts 130 skaters to Marano Campus Center arena on Dec. 27. The free event gathered donations of canned goods. Children's Board is a not-for-profit community organization dedicated to enhancing the physical, emotional and cultural well-being of the children of Oswego County. (Submitted photo by Carolyn Barlow)

Ceramic torso studies by bachelor of fine arts degree candidate Kristy Hoover serve as foreground Dec. 4 for the artists reception of the fall 2015 BFA-BA Art Exhibition. Mandatory for the 12 BFA candidates, the exhibition also featured artwork voluntarily displayed by candidates for bachelor of arts degrees in art.

Kpoti Kitissou (second from left), now a visiting assistant professor of economics, formerly worked summers moving furniture in and out of residence halls from 2002 to 2004 as a SUNY Oswego student. Here, he joins former colleagues from Facilities Maintenance and Operations at President Deborah F. Stanley's annual Holiday Breakfast on Dec. 9 in Marano Campus Center food and activities court. From left are Kevin Shea, stores clerk in the Mahar Hall stockroom; Kitissou; electrician Dan Hoefer; Mario Bustillo, a maintenance assistant in plumbing; Dustin Barbera, a laborer in plumbing; Jack Giuffrida, working in building systems at the Lee Hall central heating plant; and Jason Hrncirik, a central heating plant welder.

Students from Fowler High School's Public Service Leadership Academy enjoy a robotics demonstration during an early December tour of the college. Two Oswego alumni teaching at Fowler, Jessica Teifke and Ed Levine, brought the students to campus, where Say Yes to Education Scholars, Teacher Opportunity Corps students and workers in the Center for Urban Schools led the tour. It included stops at admissions, technology and physics -- including the planetarium. Lincoln Middle School students, led by another Oswego alumna, Michelle Mariano, made a similar visit to campus. (Submitted by Anneke McEvoy)

Chemistry alumni (center) Benjamin Feinberg, class of 2006 as an undergraduate and 2012 for his master's, and Tanya Rutter, a 2000 master's graduate, help mentor Innovation Tech High School juniors Layloni Vinson (left) and Mikael Michlovitch during a Dec. 9 experiment in a Shineman Center chemistry lab. Feinberg and Rutter, who teach at Onondaga-Cortland-Madison BOCES' Innovation Tech, joined several SUNY Oswego chemistry majors to mentor the visiting students.

Freshman biochemistry major Cliff-Simon Vital (center), a Student Association senator-at-large, presents a Miss-a-Meal check of $4,167.06 on Dec. 10 to Oswego County Opportunities representatives Margaret Barclay (left), development coordinator, and Karen Merrill (second from left), interim director of crisis and development services. Ruth Stevens, director of resident dining for Auxiliary Services, and Lakeside Dining Center cashier Lois Terminella participated in the presentation. The check's proceeds came from a Nov. 18 Miss-a-Meal event, where students voluntarily skipped dining center meals. The long-running fundraiser takes place once a semester, with the money saved going to one or more local charitable organizations.

Volunteers for Kappa Delta Pi honor society in education display items at the Scholastic Book Fair on Dec. 3 along the Marano Campus Center concourse to raise funds for new books for children in the community. From left are adolescence education major Emily Ervin and master's degree special education students Renee Ferlito and Jennifer Hand. Kappa Delta Pi donates hundreds of books in the spring to the Oswego Bookmobile, which distributes approximately 5,000 books to 2,000 children in Oswego every summer, and in the fall to the Oswego County Toy Drive. (Submitted photo by Laura Critelli)

Freshmen Rose Small (left), an anthropology major; Joseph LaFrance, biological sciences major; and Abigail Langer, broadcasting and mass communications major peruse the offerings at Kappa Delta Pi's Scholastic Book Fair on Dec. 3 in the Marano Campus Center concourse.

Cindy DeWolf, secretary for Facilities Maintenance and Operations in the maintenance building (Building 12), displays her award as State Employees Federated Appeal Building Representative of the Year. The campaign, guided on campus by the SEFA Committee and building representatives across campus, annually raises tens of thousands of dollars for charities in Oswego as well as around the region, state and world. (Submitted by Kristin Gublo)

Troy Seymour (in white) came in first place in the 174-pound weight class at the Empire Collegiate Wrestling Conference championships on Jan. 16. The sophomore defeated three wrestlers before taking down his Lycoming counterpart in the finals, 3-0, to earn the first Oswego State individual conference title since 2013. Seymour currently ranks No. 8 in the country at 174, while teammate Daniel Smith ranks No. 10 at 197 pounds. The Lakers team stands 3-10 heading toward a Feb. 3 match with Alfred State.

Lakers junior sharpshooter Shawn Hulshof (right, in an archive photo) earned SUNY Athletic Conference Player of Week honors after scoring his first-ever hat trick in Saturday's 5-3 win at Brockport. He scored a goal in all three periods, including two on power plays. Oswego held onto third place in the conference with a 6-3-1 record (9-6-2 overall) heading into last night's rescheduled Employee Appreciation Night game with Geneseo at Marano Campus Center arena.

Lakers guard Brian Sortino (pictured in an archive photo) hit the 1,000-point milestone Saturday as the men's basketball team played Cortland. He finished with 22 points in the 66-62 conference loss. The junior from Fairport averages 19.1 points per game this season, fourth in the SUNY Athletic Conference. Oswego went 1-1 on the week, defeating Brockport 84-74 on the road. The next game for the 10-5 Lakers (3-5 in the conference) is scheduled to tip off at 7:30 p.m. Friday against New Paltz in Laker Hall's Max Ziel Gymnasium, with a 4 pm. home game against Oneonta on Saturday. In doubleheaders, the women's basketball team will face the same opponents at 5:30 p.m. Friday and 2 p.m. Saturday, respectively.