Around the SUNY Oswego campus
June 14, 2017

Members of Punks Against Pollution, a new initiative to raise consciousness about environmental issues, help clean up litter during a May 6 project in the city. The group consists of SUNY Oswego students, Oswego High School students, and Oswego residents, according to founder Alex DeSacia. "Though Punks Against Pollution was originally planned as a one-time event, the level of interest and positive reception have motivated us to organize further," DeSacia said. "We are now planning cleanup events for the Fourth of July parade and Harborfest, with other events to come." From left are SUNY Oswego students Chynna Smith, Christina Prunesti, Tiffany Baez, Aubrey Richardson, and Maria DeRenzo, staffing a detail at West 5th and Bridge streets. The organization plans to redeem recyclables and donate the money to the Oswego County Humane Society. (Submitted photo)

Perfect weather June 9 complements KanJam, dancing to a DJ's tunes, conversations under the big tent, walks by the pond and an array of appetizers, entrees and drinks catered by Auxiliary Services to make the Come as You Were BBQ at Fallbrook at Reunion a big success. The June 8 to 11 reunion drew more than 1,200 alumni and guests.

Alumnae gather on the Fallbrook lawn during the welcome-back barbecue. It was one of many scenes helping bring Reunion 2017's theme -- "An Oswego State of Mind" -- to life. The name plays off Billy Joel's song "New York State of Mind," and one of the signature events of the weekend was a concert featuring Rick Zuccaro and his All-Star Billy Joel Tribute Band, June 11 in Hewitt ballroom, a throwback to the famed artist's concert on campus in the 1970s.

Jennifer Shropshire (left), class of 1986, accepts the Alumni Service Award from college President Deborah F. Stanley. The award honors SUNY Oswego alumni for exemplary service generously given to the college, its students, the Alumni Association and their profession. Shropshire, owner and principal at Edward F. Swenson & Associates Inc., has shared her talents on the Oswego Alumni Association board, serving as president in the past. Among her many other contributions to her alma mater, Shropshire has returned to campus as an Alumni-In-Residence visitor, a School of Business Symposium panelist, a keynote speaker at Honors Convocation and a Beta Gamma Sigma honoree. She served as a March Matcher for the college's 2016 Graduates Of the Last Decade (GOLD) giving campaign, the national chair of The Fund for Oswego during the college’s most recent campaign and a member of numerous Reunion Planning and Giving committees.

President Deborah F. Stanley (right) presents the Alumni Service Award to Louis A. Borrelli Jr., class of 1977, the former chief executive officer of NEP Broadcasting and a founding partner of Marcus Cable Company. Borrelli helped establish the college's annual Lewis B. O'Donnell Media Summit in 2005. He has been integral to the summit’s creation and success through his financial support, his volunteering on the summit's advisory board and by leveraging his professional relationships to attract notable panelists. Among his many other contributions to SUNY Oswego, Borrelli has served as a March Matcher, personally counsels and assists countless students in their career pursuits, returns to speak in classes as an Alumni-In-Residence (AIR) visitor, supports student-run WTOP-TV through major gifts and professional guidance and serves on the Oswego College Foundation and School of Communication, Media and the Arts advisory boards.

Posing for a casual group photo June 9 at a Shady Shore reception during Reunion 2017 are alumni of the 1986, '87 and '88 class years.

Alumni from sororities dance to the tunes of a DJ at the Come as You Were BBQ at Fallbrook. A bonfire later coaxed those attending to enjoy a contemplative time with good friends.

State Labor Commissioner Roberta Reardon (right) leads a discussion May 22 in Sheldon Hall ballroom on New York's tuition-free degree program -- the Excelsior Scholarship -- and its benefits and requirements for current and future students, and how it can lead to improved on-time completion rates and connect students to jobs after graduation. Panelists (from left) are Mark Humbert, director of financial aid, and Dan Griffin, director of admissions, for SUNY Oswego; Dean Goewey, superintendent of Oswego City School District; and SUNY Oswego President Deborah F. Stanley. The state Higher Education Services Corporation made applications available on its website starting a week ago through July 21.

Braving cold and rain, runners and walkers from SUNY Oswego gather June 6 at the J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge in Liverpool. The annual event draws more than 8,000 entrants from hundreds of Central New York institutions and companies to make their way on a 3.5-mile course along Onondaga Lake Parkway. Jodi Cary of Auxiliary Services, third from right, serves as team captain; Auxiliary Services provides a tent, tables and a healthy buffet for the team.

Photographer Ted Yandeau captures a great blue heron on takeoff July 14 at Rice Creek. Great blue herons, frequent visitors to the college's living laboratory at the nearly 400-acre field station, have a wing span of about six feet, making them easily identifiable flying between local wetlands and streams.

Scales Hall's renovation continues at a rapid pace in order to reopen this summer in time for residents in the fall semester. One visible feature designed to save costs and energy is an atrium-like entranceway -- very like the one now fronting recently rejuvenated Waterbury Hall -- that will help serve as a solar chimney to pull in cooler air during warm months to the building's upper levels. PAC & Associates of Oswego is general contractor on the job. (Photo by Multivista construction documentation)

This view in May shows nearly year-old exterior touches to Tyler Hall, among them a new corner entranceway, enhanced accessibility and windows that slant outward. A project to further tie in Tyler's look with the upcoming modernization of nearby Hewitt promises to create a strong physical identity for the School of Communication, Media and the Arts.