Around the SUNY Oswego campus
June 15, 2016

The sun sets on an idyllic scene May 11 as students gather behind Waterbury and Riggs residence halls during the week before Commencement.

Psychology major Bailee Goodon, a member of the Lakers women's ice hockey team, offers a goal-worthy celebration May 14 as she walks from the platform during the first of three ceremonies for the college's Commencement. The speaker for the 9 a.m. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences ceremony was honorary degree recipient John M. McHugh, former secretary of the Army; for the 1 p.m. ceremony honoring candidates for graduation from the School of Business, it was Melanie Littlejohn, National Grid regional executive director for Upstate New York; and for the 4 p.m. commencement festivities of the schools of Education and of Communication, Media and the Arts, keynote speaker was Seth Mulligan, a member of the leadership team of TCGPlayer. In all, nearly 1,600 candidates for bachelor's and master's degrees, as well as graduate certificates, were eligible for the ceremonies.

Rufaro Matombo aka DJ Tumbo, a 2012 Oswego alumnus, performs for concert-goers May 6 in Marano Campus Center arena during the second annual OzFest, the Student Association-sponsored series of events to celebrate the end of classes for the academic year. Flo Rida headlined the concert.

Christie Torruella Smith (left), a 2008 SUNY Oswego graduate and admissions counselor at Monroe Community College, and her husband Christopher Smith talk with Laura Kelly, director of alumni and parent relations, near the bonfire at the "Come As You Were" BBQ at Fallbrook Friday, June 10. More than 1,000 alumni and friends returned to campus over the weekend to celebrate memories and create new ones.

As the planet Mercury makes a transit May 9 across the face of the sun, from Earth's vantage point, an avid group of students and faculty gathers around telescopes and a laptop computer set up near the south entrance of Shineman Center. From left are sophomore geology major Kimberly Smith; physics faculty members John Rusho, Scott Roby and Shashi Kanbur; and junior computer science major Justin Ortega. Both students minor in astronomy. Mercury will transit the sun only 16 times this century. The previous transit happened in 2006; the next one won't occur till 2019.

SUNY Oswego was well represented June 1 at the graduation ceremony for Leadership Oswego County's class of 2016. Of 22 members from the Oswego County community in the class, these graduates work at the college: (from left) Jill Pippin, dean of extended learning; Laura Kelly, director of alumni and parent relations; Nikki Pritchard, project coordinator for the Office of Business and Community Relations (OBCR); and Melissa Newman, human resources benefits manager. This marked the 23rd year for the OBCR-organized program, which teaches community leadership skills, current issues and networking to a diverse group of residents. (Submitted by Howard Gordon)

A contingent from SUNY Oswego attended the Taste of Success Celebrity Chef Challenge in support of the Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection on June 9 at SRC Arena at Onondaga Community College to celebrate Oswego students from Hillside Family of Agencies and highlight SUNY Oswego Metro Center opportunities for the Syracuse area. SUNY Oswego was a sponsor of the event. Pictured from left are Anneke McAvoy of the President's Office; Sandra Bargainnier, chair and professor of health promotion and wellness; R. Deborah Davis of the School of Education faculty; Kim Armani, director of SUNY Oswego Metro Center; Marcia Burrell and Barbara Streets of the School of Education faculty; and Cindy Darrigo of SUNY Oswego Metro Center.

Damian Schofield, computer science professor and director of human-computer interaction, pauses May 9 at Altmar-Parish-Williamstown School during his presentation designed to interest young students in science. At left is one of the college's NAO robots. (Submitted by Damian Schofield)

Technology chair Mark Hardy (right) speaks May 11 in a Park Hall electrical engineering lab to members of the Central New York Technology and Engineering Educators Association, a professional organization that named SUNY Oswego's department of technology the Department of the Year. Alumnus Corey Szyikowski, class of 2000 and a technology teacher in the Phoenix Central School District, won the Teacher of the Year Award.