Around the SUNY Oswego campus
June 27, 2018

The draw of Lake Ontario sunsets remains strong for all, including these alumni taking pictures on June 9 during Reunion Weekend behind Penfield and Lanigan halls. The 2018 Reunion Weekend welcomed more than 800 alumni back to the campus and community June 7 to 10 with a rock ‘n’ roll theme and a range of activities. (Jennifer Broderick photo)

Dan Scaia, a 1968 alumnus and dedicated organizer for the 50th reunion activities, receives the Alumni Impact Award during Reunion 2018. The Alumni Impact Award honors SUNY Oswego alumni who have had a significant impact on the college, the Oswego Alumni Association and/or SUNY Oswego students. Scaia taught and coached in the West Genesee School District for 14 years before founding DFS Associates, a manufacturer’s representative firm in Skaneateles. Presenting is 1987 graduate Lisa Marceau Schnorr '87 (left), senior vice president and chief financial officer of Constellation Brands wines and spirits division and Oswego Alumni Association president; and Deborah F. Stanley, college president.

The all-alumni “Come As You Were” Reunion barbecue June 8 at Fallbrook welcomes around 500 revelers with food, beverages, a DJ, dancing and bonfire. Continuous shuttle buses ran from and to Reunion HQ in Johnson Hall and other lakeside residence halls where guests were staying. Visit the Reunion photo gallery for more images from the events. (Robert Clark photo)

Amy Bartell (right), the college’s coordinator of community art programming, pauses for a photo June 15 during the opening reception for the “We Are Lake Ontario” exhibition at Oswego State Downtown. From left are Joel Schlaver, a former student of Bartell’s, who has art in the show; Betsy McTiernan, an activist for cleaning up the lake; and Paul Leary of the music faculty, who mentored student John Horne, composer of an original piece for the reception. The art exhibition runs through Aug. 20.

Leigh Wilson, director of the Interdisciplinary Programs and Activities Center, speaks June 21 to an audience at Oswego State Downtown about the college’s two-year Grand Challenges Project: Fresh Water for All, launching this fall. Wilson was leadoff speaker for this summer’s brown bag speaker series in conjunction with “We Are Lake Ontario,” an exhibition of student art and poetry projects aimed at raising awareness of shared responsibilities to counter threats to one of the nation’s largest freshwater lakes. At left is Amy Bartell, the college’s coordinator of community art programming.

Betsy McTiernan -- co-founder of the Shining Waters Initiative, a campus-based organization committed to harnessing individual stewardship to keep plastics and other litter out of Lake Ontario -- speaks June 15 at the “We Are Lake Ontario” art exhibit reception at Oswego State Downtown. Students displayed their original art, poetry and music to highlight the shared responsibility for keeping Lake Ontario clean. The exhibition and brown-bag speakers series aim to engage community organizers and stakeholders.

SUNY Oswego team members for the 36th J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge enjoy a perfect day June 6 for running or walking the 3.5-mile course along Onondaga Lake Parkway. They were among 5,500 participants representing companies and organizations across Central New York. Auxiliary Services, the Office of Business and Community Relations, Oswego Alumni Association, Oswego College Foundation, and the college Office of Communications and Marketing contributed as sponsors of Team Oswego. (Submitted by Jodi Cary)

Oswego Mayor William J. Barlow Jr. (right) presents Oswego Renaissance Association co-founders Paul Stewart (center), a SUNY Oswego psychology professor, and Steven Phillips with the “Mayor's Award” at the ORA’s annual awards reception, where more than $250,000 in home improvement grants were awarded to homeowners on more than 20 neighborhood blocks. The award recognized Stewart and Phillips for their work to establish, manage and grow the ORA, dedicated to improving city neighborhoods.

Celebrating their Distinguished Alumni Awards for the Educational Opportunity Program, SUNY Oswego 1993 alumna Trudy Perkins (second from left), class of 1993, and retired longtime SUNY Oswego administrator Cathy Santos (center), who earned a bachelor’s degree her in 1987 and a master’s in 1999, get together with (from left) Oswego seniors Jaydee Maldonado and Stephany Rodriguez, and EOP academic planning counselor Grace Maxon-Clarke, a 2011 bachelor’s graduate who earned a master’s in 2014. Perkins and Santos were recognized at a SUNY-wide event June 14 at Buffalo State University honoring retired Assemblyman Arthur O. Eve, who founded the EOP in 1967, and recognizing the organization for its 50 years. To date the program -- which provides college access, academic support and financial aid to students from disadvantaged backgrounds -- has produced more than 70,000 graduates across 47 campuses. (Photo by Joey Tse)

The 29th annual Employee Recognition Luncheon June 13 in Sheldon Hall ballroom honors the longevity of SUNY Oswego's employees represented by the Civil Service Employees Association, New York State Correctional Officers and Police Benevolent Association, and Public Employee Federation. Brenda Farnham, along with Thomas Siembor (not pictured), were honored for an impressive 40 years of service to SUNY Oswego at the June 13 Employee Recognition Luncheon.

Pamela Buske and Roger Pullen were among those honored for 30 years of service at the June 13 Employee Recognition Luncheon. Also recognized for 30 years of work, but not present for the photo, were Joseph Miceli, Chester Peel, Fred Sharkey and Jeffrey Walrath.

Honored at the June 13 Employee Recognition Luncheon for 25 years of service were Paul Lower (in back) and, in front from left, Cindy Trombly, Delia Dodge and Beth Gentile. Cheryl Masuicca, not present for the photo, was also recognized for a quarter-century of service.

The June 13 Employee Recognition Luncheon honored several for 20 years of service, including, back row from left, Lester Gravlin, Kathleen Aylward, William Hammond, Lucille Broadwell, Timothy Branch and Michael Johnston; and front from left, Tamera Young, Tina Radley, Patricia Miller and Michele May. While not present for the photo, Frederick Donabella was also recognized for two decades of work.

At the June 13 Employee Recognition Luncheon, those honored for 15 years of service included, back row from left, Derek Richards, Frederick Matteson, Alexandra Sorbello and Daniel Upcraft; and front from left, Kathy Klefbeck and Sherri Devercelly. Also recognized for 15 years, but not present for the photo, were Mark Barker, Patricia Burnett, Marilynn Haynes and Cheryl Pointon.

Recognized for 10 years of service during the June 13 Employee Recognition Luncheon, were, from left, David Raham, Theresa Giordano and Mark Sierson. Also marking a decade of dedication, but not present for the photo, were Cynthia DeWolf, Tammy Ferguson, Wendy Fragale, Thane Goldberg, Joseph Hotaling, Paul Lurcock, Darryl Munger, Melana Perkins, Randy Ritskes, Ron Sweeting and Lester Wilber.

Students from SUNY Oswego’s Storm Forecasting and Observation Program — known as the Storm Chasers — monitor a supercell storm May 27 as it looms over southeast Wyoming. Atmospheric and geological sciences faculty member Scott Steiger, founder and leader of the annual expedition, said the supercell spawned three tornadoes the team saw that day. From left are Elizabeth Tirone, Emma Flower, Ben Charles, Matt Seymour and Bobby Bianco. For more on the team’s recently completed trip, visit (Submitted by Scott Steiger)

The college hosted the 8th annual GENIUS Olympiad (Global Environmental Issues -- U.S.) from June 12 to 15 with more than 1,200 high school students from 69 countries and 40 states presenting projects tied to the protection and improvement of the environment, competing in five disciplines. Students from Indonesia perform during the GENIUS Olympiad International Cultural Fair on June 13. The singer, Zahra Maulida Setya Andini (front), also performed at opening and closing ceremonies.

Noelani Rupp, from South Burlington High School in Vermont, explains her scientific research on “the possible effects of ligninolytic fungi on hydrocarbon levels in motor oil” -- for the possible application of fungi on oil cleanup -- to 1975 alumnus Peter Bocko, retired CTO for Corning Glass Technologies, June 13 during GENIUS Olympiad in Marano Campus Center arena. Bocko, a frequent Alumni-In-Residence visitor, 2012 lecturer for the Augustine Silveira Distinguished Lecture Series and a 2014 Commencement speaker, was among many judges with the difficult task of picking the best among the many impressive projects.

Ferdi Turhan (left) and Azizagha Huseynov, GENIUS Olympiad science category participants from Azerbaijan, explain their “Smart Bin” that detects which type of recyclable material is dropped into it and then automatically places the item into the appropriate container.

Aidana Obolbekova from Kyrgyzstan talks about her photographic illustrations about acid rain to GENIUS Olympiad art category project judge Asli Kinsizer, a SUNY Oswego graphic design graduate student.

Pride in achievement animates Amelia Lucia Jose Antonio Gunza, a supervisor, and her students from Angola, after winning awards during the GENIUS Olympiad closing ceremony on June 15.