Around the SUNY Oswego campus
May 26, 2021

Kerisha Lewis earned her master's in strategic communication at the May 14 Commencement ceremony. Now the college's assistant director of student-alumni engagement and staff advisor for the Future Alumni Network (FANs) and Senior Class Planning Committee, Lewis also earned her bachelor's dgree from Oswego in 2018.

Students earning graduate degrees walk May 14 to the check-in tent on the north lawn of Marano Campus Center before their ceremony in the building's convocation hall and arena. This Friday night ceremony celebrated Oswego students earning graduate and advanced degrees and certificates of study.

Graduates were allowed two guests each for their Commencement, with all completing health screenings, making many happy moments and reunions possible.

Seven of the ceremonies -- unfolding on Saturday and Sunday, May 15 and 16, welcomed undergraduates and allowed friends to share their special day.

SUNY Oswego President Deborah F. Stanley expresses encouragement and praise for the students during her Charge to the Graduates at the May 14 Commencement.

Blessed Sampa, who earned her MBA and bachelor's degrees, flashes a joyful smile on May 14 as she walks across the Commencement platform in Marano Campus Center. Due to comprehensive planning, rigorous health screening, distancing and fixtures, the college received approval for graduates to unmask for their walk across the stage.

Benjamin Wall gives a jubilant cheer during the 3 p.m. May 16 Commencement ceremony.

Joseph Panzarino shows his excitement during the May 14 Commencement ceremony.

Three master's candidates arrive for the Friday, May 14, ceremony for graduate students and others earning their advanced degrees and certificates.

Eileen Patricia Cacsire proudly displays her diploma at the May 15 3 p.m. ceremony as she walks across the graduation platform with academic achievements cords and college involvement stoles.

Graduates listen to Commencement platform remarks during the 3 p.m. ceremony on May 15 in the Marano Campus Center.

The nationally ranked Laker men's baseball team graduated several seniors and swept Oneonta 8-2 and 11-4 to advance in the SUNYAC championship series on Commencement weekend. While they couldn't get past Cortland in an epic title series, the team received an at-large bid to the NCAA tournament for the sixth straight year. They will start play as the #2 seed in the Hartford Regional hosted by Trinity College which takes place from Thursday, May 27 through Sunday, May 30.

Participants and attendees stand during Commencement ceremonies to sing the college's alma mater.

Tenia-Monet Braithwaite celebrates her graduation with her parents on May 15 outside Marano Campus Center.

A group of student-athletes pause before the 9 a.m. Saturday, May 15, ceremony.

School of Education graduate Lydia Macfarlane proudly poses near the college seal monument after her May 16 graduation at Marano Campus Center.

The Oswego Alumni Association’s 2021 Outstanding Senior Award recipients Olivia Colon and Koushank Harinder Singh Ahuja (second and third from left) earn congratulations from Kerisha Lewis (left) and Laura Kelly (right) of the college's alumni relations team.

The inaugural SUNY Oswego State Employees Federated Appeal (SEFA) children’s book drive netted 717 books for the Oswego Bookmobile. Valued at more than $4,000, the donations will boost the popular program that supports local children ages 3 to 18. From left, Nancy Concadoro and Shelly Sloan of the college’s SEFA Committee present donations to Oswego Bookmobile volunteers Alice Barry, Bon Perfetti and Susan McBrearty. Campus and community members filled collection boxes on campus, as well as at the Oswego Elks Lodge, Oswego YMCA and the River’s End Bookstore. Participants could also order books online to meet Bookmobile needs, or make monetary donations via SEFA’s secure online storefront.