Around the SUNY Oswego campus
June 29, 2022

Perfect weather and stunning sunsets greeted the more than 830 alumni and friends back to campus for Reunion Weekend, June 9 to 12.

Alumni check into Reunion HQ in Riggs Hall, assisted by the more than 40 reunion planning and giving volunteers who helped make Reunion Weekend a memorable event.

Alumni gather around the bonfire at the Welcome Back Barbecue at Fallbrook. Nearly 600 people came to the Friday night event on June 10, which also featured an all-you-can-eat buffet, DJ, lawn games and more.

A group of friends enjoy the Rice Creek waterfall at Fallbrook while attending the Welcome Back Barbecue.

Flavorful food and fun times unfolded on the open-air deck of Fallbrook barn at the Welcome Back Barbecue.

Friends gather at a campus bench overlooking the lake behind Riggs Hall after checking in for Reunion Weekend, held June 9 to 12.

Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority sisters reunite at Reunion HQ in Riggs Hall.

Maggie Rivera (student outreach and support coordinator) and Howard Gordon (retired longtime executive assistant to the president) join other friends to enjoy the All-Alumni Picnic on Lake Ontario. The picnic drew more than 275 Reunion attendees to the lawn behind Lakeside Dining Center.

Mark Allen Baker ’79, an award-winning non-fiction author and biographer, earned the Lifetime Award of Merit during Reunion. Oswego Alumni Association Award winners were honored during the College Update presented by Mary Toale (pictured), SUNY Oswego officer in charge, in Waterbury Hall. Read more about the Alumni Awards.

Phyllis Moore Holloway ’76 CAS ’01 – an accomplished educator, entrepreneur and community leader – received the Lifetime Award of Merit during the Oswego Alumni Association Awards during Reunion. Presenting is Mary Toale, SUNY Oswego officer in charge. Read more about the Alumni Awards.

Matthew Kelsch ’83, an internationally recognized meteorologist and weather and environmental science educator, earned the Lifetime Award of Merit during the Oswego Alumni Association Award presentations during Reunion. Presenting is Mary Toale, SUNY Oswego officer in charge. Read more about the Alumni Awards.

Michael Howard ’90, a nationally recognized head coach for Laker golf and wrestling and community athletics volunteer, receives the Alumni Impact Award during Reunion from Mary Toale, SUNY Oswego officer in charge. Read more about the Alumni Awards.

Jean Palkowski Edminster (right) ’70 – a highly engaged community volunteer and activist for several nonprofits and charitable organizations – received the Community Service Award during the Golden Alumni Society Reception and Luncheon held in Marano Campus Center during Reunion. Presenting the award is Mary Canale, vice president for development and alumni engagement. Read more about the Alumni Awards.

The Class of '72 was honored at this year's Golden Alumni Reception and Luncheon. This special reception and luncheon, held in Marano Campus Center for all alumni from the Class of 1972 and prior, featured the induction of the Classes of '70, '71 and '72 into the Golden Alumni Society.

Longtime friends pose during the 45th Reunion group photo for the class of 1977 at the Welcome Back BBQ at Fallbrook.

The 40th cluster Reunion group photo invited participation from the classes of 1980, 1981 and 1982 at the Welcome Back BBQ at Fallbrook.

The 35th cluster Reunion group photo gathered members of the classes of 1986, 1987 and 1988 at the Welcome Back BBQ at Fallbrook.

The Golden Anniversary Reception and Remembrance Ceremony at Shady Shore during Reunion honored and remembered alumni with long connections to the college.

At the Peace Free and Easy Memorial memorial near Seneca Hall, alumni gathered for an informal celebration of the lives of Lynne Hartunian ’89 and Colleen Brunner ’90, two victims of 1989’s Pan Am Flight 103, and Michael Hannan ‘89 and Richard Caproni ‘89, both victims of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. The West Campus memorial is located between Seneca and Tyler halls.

More than two dozen alumni gathered to participate in the annual Reunion 5K Fun Run/Walk which began at Culkin Hall. Proceeds from the event benefit SUNY Oswego's SHOP (Students Helping Oz Peers) food pantry.

The All-Alumni Golf Outing at Battle Island State Park invited friendly competition or simply time together for alumni from throughout the decades.

The Class of 1977 Reception took place during Reunion Weekend at the new La Parrilla on the Water location, on East First Street and the Oswego River.

Planetarium director Scott Roby (in back) gave shows to Reunion audiences where he explained the history of the Oswego campus planetarium from its beginning as an analog projector in Piez Hall to the modern facility today in the Shineman Center. Audiences also enjoyed an interesting look at the solar system, the Milky Way Galaxy and beyond.

Don Little '91 M'94 M'15, a Syracuse City School District teacher, presented the history of the institution’s founder, Edward Austin Sheldon, and the legacy he left on the world of education. The Reunion presentation took place in the Sheldon Hall Historic Classroom.

Sigma Gamma brought 115 brothers back for their 75th Anniversary Celebration at Reunion 2022, pictured at Sheldon Hall.

The Greeks and Friends Social during Alumni Reunion Weekend packed the house at the Oswego Elks Lodge.

The Delta Kappa Kappa 95+1 Anniversary Reception brought a hearty crowd to the Oswego Country Club during Reunion Weekend.

A glorious rainbow appears at sunset over Sheldon Hall during Reunion Weekend.

The Alumni Reunion Sunset Concert on Saturday evening, June 11, featured the tunes of Nik Lite along with food, ice cream and dancing while overlooking the lake behind Penfield Library.

Anthropology students under the direction of Oswego faculty member Alanna Ossa are participating in a summer session project to excavate and document objects found buried at the historic Richardson-Bates House on East Third Street in Oswego. The project recovers objects of a 19th- and 20th-century historic midden (trash heap) at the intact Victorian era house. The Shineman Foundation is the primary source of equipment funding with an additional donation from Oswego emeritus technology professor Vincent D'Ambrosio. Any materials recovered will be cleaned, analyzed and curated for the Richardson Bates House museum’s permanent collection.

The campus SEFA (State Employees Federated Appeal) committee collection drive provided donations of personal care items to Services to Aid Families (SAF). Pictured on pick-up day are SAF Victim Advocate Danielle Gillett (second from left), and Kim Kelley (third from left), SAF house program manager, with campus SEFA Committee members Mark Digby (left) and Tim Nekritz (right), and Lisa Evaneski (second from right), the college’s Title IX coordinator. The campus effort collected items through the month of April, which is Sexual Violence Awareness Month, and connected to the annual related Yards for Yeardley event spearheaded by Evaneski and It's On Oz students.