Around the SUNY Oswego campus
Nov. 16, 2023

This year’s Dr. Lewis B. O’Donnell Media Summit featured four successful panelists who discussed their experiences being “Behind the Scenes in Hollywood” – the theme of this year’s event on Oct. 25. Sitting from left on the panel are 2000 SUNY Oswego graduate Aunrée Houston, vice president of account services and digital production operations at Paramount Global; Juliet Giglio, a screenwriter and producer, as well as associate professor of English and creative writing at SUNY Oswego, Jeremy Garelick, CEO of Syracuse film and television studio American High, as well as a director and writer; and 2015 SUNY Oswego graduate Christy Somers, a nonfiction television producer for popular networks including MTV, TLC, HGTV, Food Network and more. Not pictured is moderator Megan Mazzoccone, a 2007 SUNY Oswego graduate who is the career coach for the university’s School of Communication, Media and the Arts in Career Services as well as a theatre faculty member.

Lewis B. O’Donnell Media Summit panelists and alumni Career Connectors spoke to classes the morning prior to the featured panel discussion on Oct. 25. Panelist Aunrée Houston, a 2000 graduate and vice president of account services and digital production for Paramount+, speaks to a public relations class taught by Taejin Jung in Mahar Hall.

Lewis B. O’Donnell Media Summit panelists and alumni Career Connectors spoke to classes the morning prior to the featured panel discussion. Panelist Juliet Giglio, a SUNY Oswego English and creative writing professor and accomplished screenwriter, speaks to a communications class taught by Jessica Reeher in Mahar Hall.

Media Summit panelists and alumni Career Connectors spoke to classes the morning prior to the featured panel discussion. Panelist Christy Somers '15, a non-fiction TV producer, speaks to a public relations class taught by Khairul Islam in Lanigan Hall.

SUNY Oswego President Peter Nwosu was part of the Micron Cleanroom Simulation Laboratory renderings unveiling and media event with Micron global leadership team and New York State, local and community leaders at Onondaga Community College on Oct. 19. SUNY Oswego plays a leading role in the Oswego County Micron Steering Committee and is working with the company as it brings a historic economic opportunity to the region. From left are Stanley S. Litow of the SUNY Board of Trustees, SUNY Chancellor John King, President Nwosu, Onondaga Community College President Warren Hilton and SUNY Morrisville President David Rogers.

The 84th annual Technology Fall Conference, open to K-16 educators and professionals and hosted by the School of Education, featured 50 presentations and workshops by approximately 100 different presenters including many Oswego alumni. More than 400 attendees gathered in Park and Wilber Halls Oct. 26 and 27 to learn about new trends and technologies, and to see numerous commercial exhibits geared for classroom laboratories. Pictured is a workshop in a "Beginners Guide to Drones in Tech," taught by 2019 Oswego graduate Mike Petrie (not in photo).

The many breakout presentations during the 84th annual Technology Fall Conference included many alumni presenters enjoying their return to campus to learn about new techniques and tools. One such class, held in the technology education Wilber Hall Design Studio, explained some Strategies for Social Media taught by Matt Starke (pictured), a 2010 graduate.

Dr. Robert Simmons, Head of Social Impact and STEM Programs for Micron Technology and the Micron Foundation, delivers a keynote at the SUNY Oswego Technology Fall Conference.

The annual Iron Pour, a collaborative production between the Department of Technology and the Department of Art and Design took place Oct. 20 outside Tyler Hall. During the event, students heated scrap iron until liquefied, then poured it into molds to create original sculpture and designs. Music was provided by students in the Digital Music Association.

Students involved in this year’s Iron Pour on Oct. 20 pose for a group photo outside Tyler Hall.

Art students working in ceramics used the pit-fire method of firing their clay sculptures, a practice that allows the introduction of additional ingredients into the clay and glazes to obtain certain effects. The ceramic firing was held Oct. 20 in conjunction with the annual Iron Pour outside Tyler Hall.

Oswego students took advantage of the opportunity to network with 100+ employers at the Fall 2023 Career and Internship Fair. The Oct. 18 event was hosted by Career Services and held in the Swetman Gym in the Marano Campus Center. Pictured, graduate students in the biomedical field Jasmitha Pilli and Babu Rajendraprasad Tadigiri talk with Dave Mankiewiez from Centerstate CEO/Corporation for Economic Opportunities.

Oswego students took advantage of the opportunity to network with 100+ employers at the Fall 2023 Career and Internship Fair. The Oct. 18 event was hosted by Career Services and held in the Swetman Gym in the Marano Campus Center. Pictured is Jocelyn Decker talking with a representative from NYS Insurance Fund.

Among the 100+ professional representatives attending the Fall 2023 Career and Internship Fair were many Oswego alumni. From left are 2021 graduates Ben Mayers, Anthony Noteso and Ashley Edwards, and 2023 graduate Abigail Testo, all now employed with Bowers Company. The Oct. 18 event was hosted by Career Services and held in the Swetman Gym in the Marano Campus Center.

Fall season brings vivid colors to the trees around campus, including this October scene outside of Tyler and Hewitt halls.

Veteran and military affiliated students were invited to the Veterans Lounge and Battle Buddy Center in Sheldon Hall to enjoy lunch and refreshments Nov. 13 in honor of Veterans Day. Marking the occasion to share appreciation for the dedicated service members who serve the nation are, from left: Ken Cisson, veteran and military services coordinator in the Division of Extended Learning; Robert Corradino, City of Oswego 7th Ward councilor and mayor elect; Jill Pippin, dean for Extended Learning; and Adam Coe, a junior operations management major in the School of Business and a military veteran.

Career and networking panels held on campus Oct. 26 provided current students a look at many disciplines and fields of interest. Small group-format discussions were led by area professionals, many of whom are Oswego alumni. One such panel hosted by the Health Promotion and Wellness Department was held in Park Hall, with, pictured from left: Emily Soderquist '12, manager of education, Samaritan Medical Center; Wilmer Jimenez '19, Western New York regional coordinator at Rural & Migrant Ministry; Emmanuel Agyapong '18, physical therapist, Robert Berkley; and Sa'Cora Sneed '22, event operations coordinator, Syracuse University.

Oswego is well-known for its famous sunsets, but the sunrises can be spectacular as well, such as this one on the morning of Halloween.

Networking opportunities for current students with Oswego alumni professionals took place following the Media Summit's panel discussion. "Career Connector" Josh Holfoth '20, associate producer, CNBC Events, met with students in Tyler Art Gallery to share advice and resource information.

Networking opportunities for current students with Oswego alumni professionals were scheduled following the Media Summit's panel discussion. "Career Connector" Jackie McTigue '19, production coordinator with the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, talks with a group of students.

Networking opportunities for current students with Oswego alumni professionals were scheduled following the Media Summit's panel discussion, including with "Career Connector" Amanda Ebrahim '17 M'19, Account Director, Fenton.

Networking opportunities for current students with Oswego alumni professionals followed the Media Summit's panel discussion. "Career Connector" Destiny Lynch '15, with Target Stores, talks with students.

A team of six students and two faculty members headed to New Mexico to conduct research during the Oct. 14 annular eclipse as part of the Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Project (NEBP), supported by NASA and the National Science Foundation. More research and campus activities are planned for the April 2024 total solar eclipse, during which Oswego is in the direct best viewing path. Here SUNY Oswego students Vincent DiBattista and Kaija Hoyt inflate a weather balloon in New Mexico to take readings.

A Flags of Nations reception on Nov. 1 recognized the additions to SUNY Oswego's Flags of Nations display located along the Marano Center concourse. The ceremony recognized the new flags representing the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and the countries of Chile, Uganda, Kazakhstan and Uruguay to the display. Logan Edwards (pictured), a first-year student from the Oneida Wolf Clan, speaks during the event in the auditorium. Other speakers included Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer Kendra Cadogan; Corie Kolbach of the Mohawk, Bear Clan, and director of the Advisement Center; and Anneke McEvoy, Affirmative Action Officer and deputy chief diversity and inclusion officer in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.

A Flags of Nations reception was held to recognize the updated additions to SUNY Oswego's Flags of Nations display located along the Marano Center concourse. The ceremony recognized the addition of flags representing the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and the countries of Chile, Uganda, Kazakhstan and Uruguay to the display. Pictured is Gonzalo Aguiar Malosetti, a modern languages and literatures faculty member, representing Uruguay near the display.

Students in theatre faculty member Whit Emerson’s Theatre 470: "Special Topics: Stage Combat" class learned how to perform a realistic-looking sword fight scene. Students worked in pairs to practice their skills.

The annual Pink Day, organized by The SEFA Committee to raise funds and awareness about breast cancer, took place on Oct. 27 in Marano Campus Center food and activities court. Participants were invited to wear pink apparel, support various fundraising activities and gather for a group photo that included survivors among the campus community. Proceeds from this event remain local and benefit Oswego County Opportunities Cancer Services.

International Humphrey Fellows visited the campus from Syracuse University's Maxwell School on Oct. 10. SUNY Oswego's Institute for Global Engagement (IGE) maintains the relationship with Maxwell that brings the visiting mid-career professionals to campus under a special State Department program named for former Vice President Hubert Humphrey. This year, 11 visiting Humphrey Fellows had multiple class visits, student interviews, and interaction with faculty in the School of Business; academic programs in global and international studies, history, and curriculum and instruction, and the Hart Hall Global Living and Learning Center.

Trick or treat? The campus saw its first snow flurries of the season on Halloween morning.