Around the SUNY Oswego campus
Sept. 7, 2016

First-year students at Oswego glow as bright as their candles in Marano Campus Center convocation hall at the 27th annual Welcoming Torchlight Ceremony, whose excitement provides a sharp contrast to the serene reflection of graduating seniors at the Commencement Eve Torchlight Ceremony in May. The Oswego Alumni Association hosts and President Deborah F. Stanley presides at the sister ceremonies that serve as bookends to the Oswego experience on the first and last days on campus, preparing and welcoming students and graduates to new chapters of their lives.

College President Deborah F. Stanley sets an upbeat tone for faculty and professional staff Aug. 29 at the President's Opening Breakfast in Marano Campus Center convocation hall, celebrating the college's record enrollment of culturally diverse students and increasingly diverse tenure-track faculty hires. The big news also featured the successful conclusion of the largest fundraising campaign — $43.48 million — in the history of SUNY comprehensive colleges. The president encouraged all to pitch in and support signature events this fall: the 30th anniversary of the ALANA Student Leadership Conference and its many multicultural events; the inaugural campus speak-out series, "Oz Speaks"; the gala SCMA Week, the official set of observances marking the completion of Phase 1 in Tyler Hall's rebirth; and the second edition of the renewed Homecoming tradition.

Perfect weather — along with enthusiastic faculty and staff — greets new students and their families to the academic quad for the traditional opening picnic, organized and catered by the Auxiliary Services staff, preceding the Welcoming Torchlight Ceremony in Marano Campus Center convocation hall.

Sophomore Emma Kuczkowski (pointing) rallies the red carpet crew as she calls names of freshmen moving into Johnson Hall. Residence Halls are at or near capacity with some 4,450 students needing or opting to live on campus.

Freshman business administration major Dominique Perry (center) obtains some help Aug. 26 moving into Johnson Hall from her sister (foreground) and a Red Carpet crewmember.

Students make their way past Hewitt as the first day of classes unfolds Aug. 29, the official start of the fall semester approaching SUNY Oswego's 156th year. More than 7,100 undergraduates take courses in more than 110 programs, while 830 graduate students explore increasing numbers of options for advanced degrees and certificates. The beat goes on: The college's Office of Admissions is already well on the way in its recruiting of next fall's class of 2021.

New tenure-track faculty in the School of Education and School of Business include, from left, Victoria Chiu of accounting, finance and law; Tamara Lipke of educational administration; and Jason Duffy of counseling and psychological services.

New tenure-track faculty from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and School of Communication, Media and the Arts include, top from left, Joshua Adams of English and creative writing, Sien Hu of psychology and Alanna Ossa of anthropology; second row from top from left, Yulia Artemenko of biological sciences, Heidi Bulk of communication studies, Charlene Harris of human development and Lindsay McCluskey of communication studies; third from top from left, Mihai Paraschiv of economics, Sarah Hanusch of mathematics, Jamie Alexander of human development and Matthew Baker of chemistry; and front row from left, Sungeun Kim of electrical and computer engineering, Jinyan Guo of biological sciences, Mamta Saxena of human development, Hui Zhang of electrical and computer engineering and Julia Koeppe of chemistry.

New professional staff members and new Penfield Library faculty include top row from left, Patrice Robinson and Jason Hy, both of the Division of Extended Learning, and Educational Opportunity Program staff members Travell Scales, Lakeisha Armstrong and Joey Tse; second row from top from left, Timothy Berge of Penfield Library, Gary Bolduc of the Office of Learning Services, Tracey Green of the Registrar's Office and Melissa Maldonado of the Office of Alumni Relations and Development; third row from top from left, Marcus Durso of the Field Placement Office, Sarah Weisman of Penfield Library, Pranay Chapagain of the Office of Communications and Marketing, Katherine Wolfe-Lyga of the Counseling Services Center and Jason Mirisoloff of Facilities Management and Operations; and front row from left, Elizabeth Occhino of the Division of Extended Learning, Daisy Ruiz of the Office of Business and Community Relations, Sandra Montalvo and Jordan Perry, both of the Admissions Office, and Nicole Morse of the Office of Campus Life.

New faculty include, top row from left, Nermine Atteya of marketing and management, Allen Andersen of atmospheric and geological sciences, Ghanshyam Sharma of economics, Katherine Thweatt of communications studies, and Pamela Brannock and Susan Hammerly, both of biological sciences; second row from top from left, Rose Marie Crisalli of communication studies, Brian Hough of atmospheric and geological sciences, Budhinath Padhy of mathematics, Carla Senecal of art, Joanna Goplen of psychology and Randall Stetson of human development; third row from top from left, Sara Prigodich of art, Mya Brown of theatre, Gilian Tenbergen of psychology and Laura Lewin of communication studies; and front row from left, Isiah Brown of marketing and management, Laura Lamb and Peter Chiappetta — both of accounting, finance and law – Thomas Brown of chemistry and Jessica Cook of physics.