August 13, 2021 - 3:55pm
Welcome Back Students!

We are thrilled you will be joining us soon! I write with some very important reminders. We ask that you comply with all COVID-19 safety protocols so that we can keep SUNY Oswego Lakers safe, and we can all enjoy a great semester on campus together.

Before Arriving to Campus

COVID Testing

All students must participate in baseline campus testing before classes begin. In order to participate in campus testing, you must first register your profile with the SUNY Upstate Medical portal before coming to the testing center: ( If you registered previously, please check to be sure your profile is updated in the Upstate portal.


While vaccinations are required for all students living in SUNY Oswego residence halls, we strongly encourage all of our students (commuter students and those living off campus) to get vaccinated!

Reminder for Unvaccinated Students: You are required to participate in weekly COVID testing, wear masks at all times, and maintain physical distancing where practicable. If you have been vaccinated, in order to be excused from the weekly testing mandate, you must submit your COVID-19 vaccination record via the Medicat Patient Portal prior to the start of classes on 8/23/21.

If you have not yet been vaccinated, SUNY Oswego will be hosting vaccination clinics during move-in and into the Fall semester. Students can get one (to complete a two shot series) or both doses of vaccine, as needed. Please visit our Oswego Forward website and/or the Vaccination Center web page for the most recent schedule and to register for a vaccination on our campus.

Arriving on Campus 


Please bring and wear your own personal masks upon arrival to campus. Effective immediately, masks/face coverings are required for all students and employees, both vaccinated and unvaccinated in all indoor spaces, settings and events, including the classroom and residence halls, except when eating or drinking.

Campus Testing

Required baseline testing can be completed in the SUNY Oswego Testing Center, located in the Swetman gymnasium (lower level of the Marano Campus Center). Students will need their SUNY Oswego ID or their student ID number along with their insurance card. Please plan to participate in campus testing on Friday 8/20, Saturday 8/21 or Sunday 8/22 by scheduling a testing appointment at

Important Testing Reminder

Students must not eat or drink anything, including chewing gum, mints, or lozenges, 30 minutes before testing. Students should not smoke or use smokeless tobacco products 30 minutes prior to testing, and should not brush their teeth or use mouthwash 3 hours prior to testing.

Special Note for International Travelers

Students who are arriving to campus from outside the United States who are not fully vaccinated, must quarantine for 7 days after their initial campus COVID-19 test. Following the 7-day quarantine, students will be required to be tested weekly thereafter until they are fully vaccinated.

Special Note for Syracuse Campus Students

The Syracuse Campus will host baseline testing for all students, both vaccinated and unvaccinated, on Wednesday, August 18, 2021 from 2:00 to 6:00 pm in Room 129. Testing appointments are not required.  

Thank you all for caring about the SUNY Oswego community! We can’t wait to see you.  

Dr. Kathleen G. Kerr
Vice President for Student Affairs  
