Performance drivers

Our Actions

Key indicators

Our Results


Our Relevance

Performance Drivers are calculated actions that interact with the larger academic environment to produce success. Performance Drivers are SUNY Oswego’s learning-centered culture in action. They are our work—the programs, activities, focus and commitments we plan and produce in order to attain five strategic Impacts. We design Performance Drivers to be adaptable and to respond to assessment.

Key Indicators are measurements that reflect the progress of our Performance Drivers, our actions. The goals for a particular Key Indicator may change as our understanding, experience and capacity to provide evidence grows. Key Indicators are produced in a deliberate, evidence-based format. They capture the status of SUNY Oswego’s performance and thus demonstrate the college’s movement toward achieving the five strategic impacts.

- Please note this is a living record. Not all indicators have metrics posted but these will be added as we move forward with the implementation of the plan. Metrics will be updated and kept current as we receive new data.

Impacts structuring this plan are the foundation of what our work ultimately means:

Impact 1Our students and graduates thrive and succeed.
Impact 2Our education ecosystem is highly collaborative and engaged.
Impact 3Our communities and partnerships are enriched and supported.
Impact 4Our institution is highly effective and sustainable.
Impact 5Our faculty, staff and students move the dial on grand challenges of our time.
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