Student Events

Throughout the academic year, CSTEP holds a plethora of events for it's students. Whether presenting your research, or singing your heart out in karaoke, we ensure that all of our students are getting the most out of our program. Here are a few examples of the events we've done in the past:

CSTEP Spooky Bonfire

Students celebrating the spooky season by toasting marshmallows by the fire at the Mary Walker firepit!

CSTEP Annual Showcase

Every year, CSTEP holds a showcase during Quest day where students who have done research have a chance to present it to their peers, faculty, and staff!

CSTEP End of Year Celebration

We want to celebrate all our students hard work throughout the academic year, and what better way to do that then with dinner, party games, and some karaoke. Our End of Year event is a great way for our students to take a break from studying for finals and enjoy some quality time with friends.

CSTEP Paint Night

What better way to destress than to paint with friends and enjoy some snacks!