CTAB Bylaws

SUNY Oswego Campus Technology Advisory Board Bylaws

Revised Fall 2012

Article I - Name

A.     This organization shall be known as the Campus Technology Advisory Board.

Article II - Purpose

A.     To advise the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Campus Technology Directors and Assistant Directors:

  1. Recommend policies on the campus technology facilities, equipment, software, and services - particularly in the areas of computing (both academic and administrative), networking, and telecommunications - to CTO and the Directors and Assistant Directors of those areas.
  2. Provide advice and assistance to the CTO and Campus Technology Directors and Assistant Directors and staff concerning standards and enhancements to equipment (including infrastructure), software, and related support services.
  3. Provide recommendations on how the facilities and operations can be improved to better serve the SUNY Oswego community.
  4. Assist in the development of strategic plans for campus technology. 

B.     To represent user groups:

  1. Disseminate information on available campus technology services and how they might be used to best serve the campus community.
  2. Seek input from current and potential users concerning what technology services the campus can provide.
  3. Seek input from current users concerning the quality of campus technology services.

C.      To inform the Faculty Assembly:

  1. Report outcome of deliberations to the Information Technology Council.

D.     To advise the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs:

  1. Participate significantly in the review process of the Chief Technology Officer.


Article III - Membership

A.    Composition and Terms:

  1. Every academic department that wishes representation on the Board will select a representative from the department to serve for a two-year term.  Academic departments shall be defined as those appearing on the List of Voting Faculty.
  2. The Student Association may select two (2) representatives to be members of the Board for one-year terms.
  3. The Residence Hall Council may select a representative to be a member of the board for a one-year term.
  4. Each Vice President or his/her designee is a member.
  5. Each Dean or his/her designee is a member.
  6. The Chief Technology Officer and the Directors and Assistant Directors of Campus Technology Services are members.
  7. The Directors or their designee of Auxiliary Services, Extended Learning, Office of Learning Service, the Library, Facilities Services, University Police, the Registrar's Office, and Residence Life and Housing are members.
  8. The Chair or designee of the Information Technology Council is a member.
  9. The senior Administration shall be entitled to select 10 additional representatives to be members of the Board for one-year terms.

B.     Selection:

  1. Selection to replace expired terms or to initiate representation on the Board shall be held on or about 15 April of each year.  New members shall serve with non-voting status until 31 August of that year, at which time they shall become full members.  There are no term limits.
  2. Offices and departments seeking representation to the Board may present a written request and justification for representation at a regularly scheduled Board meeting.  A campus-wide announcement soliciting requests for representation will be sent out on or about 15 April of each year.  The request shall be voted on at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting and shall be granted by a ¾ majority vote of those present.

C.      Vacancies:

  1. Should a vacancy occur, a new representative may be selected by its constituency for the remainder of the term.

D.     Officers:

  1. A chairperson shall be elected for a two-year term at the Board meeting in May.
  2. The recorder shall be chosen from the clerical positions of Campus Technology Services.

Article IV - Board Meetings

A.     Meetings:

  1. Board meetings will be held minimally, once per month during the fall and spring semesters, on the second Friday of each month at 8 a.m.  Additional meetings may be called by the chairperson with at least one week's notice.  Board meetings are open to anyone in the campus community.

B.     Quorum:

  1. A quorum shall be 15% of the membership.

C.      Minutes:

  1. Minutes shall be distributed to members of the Board and to the chair of the Information Technology Council. 

Article V - Committees

A.     Executive Committee:

  1. The Executive Committee is responsible for advising the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs on innovations in campus technology as well as issues and concerns addressed by the Campus Technology Advisory board.  The chair of the Board, the chairs of the Standing Committees, and the CTO are members of the Executive Committee.  A representative from the Information Technology Council is also a member.  The chair of the Board shall chair the Executive Committee.  The Executive Committee will participate in the review of the Chief Technology Officer.

B.     Standing Committees:

  1. Membership:  At the first September Board meeting, each member of the Board will be asked to serve for a one-year term on at least one of the standing committees.  The first meeting of each committee will be called by the person selected by the Chair of the Board, at which time a chairperson of the committee will be elected.  Additional non-Board members may be solicited by any committee.  Committee meetings are open to anyone in the campus community.
  2. Committees:

a.  Educational Technology Committee:  The committee is responsible for advising, assisting, and consulting with the Campus Technology staff regarding educational technology, user support, and user education.  The Committee's duties include but are not limited to surveying users and soliciting suggestions regarding software and application needs, evaluating requested educational technology resources and reviewing the suite of applications making up the image installed on faculty and open access laboratory computers.

b.  Elections and Bylaws Committee:  The Elections and Bylaws Committee is responsible for overseeing representative selection, conducting board officer elections, maintaining paper and electronic mailing lists, and proposing amendments to the Campus Technology Advisory Board Bylaws.

c. Technology Planning Committee:  The Technology Planning Committee is responsible for developing and maintaining a three-year rolling cycle, soliciting input, monitoring progress, and actively engaging in the technology planning process.  The committee's duties include but are not limited to needs assessment, maintaining communication, monitoring technology needs, and actively participating in the planning process. 

Article VI - Approval and Amendments

  1. These bylaws may be amended by a ¾ majority vote of members present at a regularly scheduled Board meeting held two weeks after written notice of the proposed amendments has been sent to the Board members.  Amendments also require consultation with the Information Technology Council and the approval of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and the President.

Approved unanimously by the Instructional Computing Center Advisory Board on November 14, 1997
Approved unanimously by the Campus Network Advisory Board on November 14, 1997
Approved by the Faculty Assembly on December 1, 1997
Approved by the Vice President for Business and Finance on January 15, 1998
Approved by the College President on January 15, 1998
Amendments approved by the Campus Technology Advisory Board on November 10, 2000
Amendments approved by the College President on March 13, 2001

2009 Amendments:
Endorsed by ITC on April 15, 2009 and reported to the Faculty Assembly on April 27
Approved by CTAB on April 17
Approved by the Vice President of Administration and Finance on September 29
Approved by the College President on September 30, 2009

2012 Amendments:

Endorsed by ITC on ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­October 12, 2012 and reported to the Faculty Assembly
Approved by CTAB on October 12, 2012
Approved by the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost on February 14,2013
Approved by the College President on February 14,2013

2014 Amendments:

Approved at CTAB meeting on May 9, 2014.
Changes introduced at April 2014 CTAB meeting. Comments received from Vice president of Academic Affairs and Provost Council in April 2014.