Faculty Using Blackboard’s Inline Grading Have New Features Available

Have you been hoping Blackboard would eventually allow inline grading for files beyond Word, PowerPoint, and PDFs?  Blackboard’s new Box View allows just that.


Inline grading allows faculty to make comments within the text of a document.  It’s the virtual pen that allows a professor to add more detail into a student’s digital document.  Before January 15, these annotations were only possible with assignments that were submitted in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, or PDF formats.  This Crocodoc inline grading system was transitioned to a new system called Box View. Box View allows inline grading for video, audio, and image files in addition to Word, PowerPoint, and PDF documents.

Blackboard created a chart comparing Crocodoc and Box View along with an Inline Grading video.


If you have any questions about the new Box View, please email the Blackboard support team at bbhelp-list@ls.oswego.edu.