Professional Dispositions

Professional dispositions are the habits of mind and resulting behaviors that make it possible for educators to use their professional knowledge and skills to fulfill the vision expressed by the conceptual framework of the School of Education at SUNY Oswego.

Educators must express professional values, commitments, and ethics in order to promote authentic learning by all students in socially just school environments. We expect the potential for these dispositions to be exhibited by candidates at entrance to all programs. Faculty, administrators, teachers and other school personnel associated with programs in the School of Education support the development of candidates' understanding and practice of these professional dispositions with a socio-cultural perspective. 

Our goal is to prepare educators to function effectively as socially conscious catalysts for change, who create and sustain school environments where excellence is cherished and social justice flourishes.



Educators understand how social structures and power relationships disadvantage some groups of learners; assume an effective leadership role in recognizing and challenging injustice; and act with courage and patience to ensure that all students can learn authentically at high levels in socially just schools. 


Educators listen, communicate, and work effectively with others from a variety of diverse backgrounds to provide a safe, inclusive, equitable and shared learning environment.

Commitment to authentic learning and teaching 

Educators exhibit enthusiasm, initiative, and dedication to the task of providing a safe, inclusive, equitable environment for all students to learn at high levels; and seek effective new ideas, diverse perspectives, and relevant information to develop continuously as educators for social justice.

Critical reflection

Educators exhibit self-awareness and critical inquiry into their own biases and teaching practice within a socio-cultural perspective; and seek and respond appropriately to constructive feedback from others to improve their own practice.


Educators exhibit honesty, fairness, trustworthiness; adhere to professional ethics and standards of behavior; recognize and challenge injustice in effective ways; and act in the best interest of all students and others in the learning community.

Socially-conscious respect 

Educators demonstrate cultural sensitivity, empathy, caring, and rapport; seek to understand others; and believe all students can learn authentically at high levels. 

Socially-conscious responsibility

Educators hold themselves accountable for authentic learning by all students; and exhibit initiative, reliability, maturity and sound judgment in implementing equitable best practice for all students and others in the learning community.