English 101
A student taking ENG 101 for the first time can receive one of five grades: A, B, C, Unsatisfactory, E. If the student’s performance in 101 suggests he or she is not yet ready to do “C” work in ENG 102, the student will receive a grade of “Unsatisfactory.”
A grade of “Unsatisfactory” will count as 0 credits carried, and thus, will not be computed as a “D” or “E” to lower the student’s grade point average. Students receiving an “U” in ENG 101 will be advised to repeat the course before they take ENG 102. When students take ENG 101 to remove an “Unsatisfactory” they will be graded A, B, C, D, E.
A grade of “E” in ENG 101 indicates the student has exceeded the maximum number of absences allowed in the course or has failed to complete required work. Students receiving an “E” in ENG 101 will be advised to repeat the course before they take ENG 102. When students take ENG 101 to remove an “E” grade, they will be graded A, B, C, D, E.
English 102
ENG 102 is graded as other courses in the college: A, B, C, D, E. Students receiving an “E” in ENG 102 must repeat with a passing grade.