Adjunct Instructor Appointments

Adjuncts require an electronic unclassified service appointment form to be completed through Hirezon/Interview Exchange and submitted for each semester (Fall, Spring). These electronic unclassified service appointment forms are deadline driven and are extremely important to be completed and submitted in a timely manner.

Here is the link to find the Academic Year Appointment Deadlines and Pay Dates.

*Before each semester please review the pay dates and the deadline to have these appointment forms submitted so each employee can be paid on time.


1.)  Department must complete the electronic unclassified service appointment form and submit for approval. HR is the last to receive the approved appointment form.

2.)  HR will generate an electronic contract letter in Hirezon/Interview that is sent to the employee. The employee must sign into Hirezon/Interview to view, electronically sign and submit the contract letter to accept their appointment each semester. Here are the instructions to view and sign an electronic contract letter in Hirezon/Interview Exchange. The employee is also entered into the payroll system and a banner number is generated if needed.

*If an Adjunct is newly hired- a welcome email will be sent to the employee letting them know they will be receiving an email from Hirezon/Interview Exchange with all their new hire paperwork which they will complete electronically and submitted to the Office of Human Resources.

Changes in Appointments:

If there is a change in the number of courses being taught or a change in salary, then the department must send through a revised electronic unclassified service appointment form as soon as possible for timely processing.

***As a reminder, please be sure to send through any changes, especially notifications on employees that will no longer teach or start employment through the appointment updater. This will help eliminate individuals remaining on the payroll and being overpaid.