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Arts + culture

Finger Lakes Trio to perform classical virtual concert Nov. 4

October 22, 2020

The Finger Lakes Trio will perform a range of classical music in a free live virtual concert at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 4, as part of the Ke-Nekt Chamber Music Series.


Media Summit to explore 'On the Front Lines with the First Amendment'

October 14, 2020

The 2020 edition of the Lewis B. O’Donnell Media Summit will convene an all-star group to discuss “On the Front Lines with the First Amendment” on Wednesday, Oct. 28.

Arts + culture

Virtual production of ‘The Misanthrope’ connects 17th century with today

October 8, 2020

While the SUNY Oswego production of Moliere’s “The Misanthrope” will translate a 17th century play into a virtual environment, viewers might see a lot of connections with the story.

Arts + culture

‘In the Cotton’ production uses innovative techniques to tackle serious topic

September 18, 2020

“In the Cotton,” which opens the SUNY Oswego theatre department season by tackling the serious topic of racism, has required innovative teamwork to be ready for its virtual run Sept. 25 to 27.

Arts + culture

Oswego student earns opportunity to duet with Broadway star Mandy Gonzalez

September 15, 2020

SUNY Oswego senior theatre major Rachel Leotta will be featured in a duet with Broadway star and recording artist Mandy Gonzalez as part of a free online concert at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 29.

Gabriele Candela

September 4, 2020

Gabriele Candela, a junior double major in graphic design and public relations, wears a mask and promotes doing so for very personal and significant reasons. Also learn about the many ways campus involvement has helped her thrive.

Student life

Student media organizations adjust to keep providing content, opportunities

September 4, 2020

SUNY Oswego’s award-winning student media organizations The Oswegonian, WNYO 88.9 FM and WTOP-10 TV are adapting in response to the pandemic while still offering students hands-on experience.

Arts + culture

Online auditions scheduled for upcoming theatre productions

August 28, 2020

The college theatre department will host Zoom rehearsals for three upcoming productions on Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 2 and 3, via Zoom.

Arts + culture

‘Behind the Mask’ portrait series to open Tyler Art Gallery season

August 27, 2020

“Behind the Mask: Portraiture from the Permanent Collection,” which begins its run today in Tyler Art Gallery, portrays a variety of faces in works from the college’s art collection ranging from the 17th to 21st century.

Awards + honors

Juan Perdiguero receives Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities

July 22, 2020

In addition to being a world-renowned artist, educator and Fulbright Scholar, SUNY Oswego art professor Juan Perdiguero can add another honor: earning the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities.