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New alumni podcast series tells stories spanning decades of graduates

July 14, 2020

A new monthly Oswego Alumni Podcast, a partnership between the Oswego Alumni Association and WNYO, collects stories and recollections from alumni spanning the decades.

Awards + honors

Lindsay McCluskey earns national fellowship supporting teaching, research

June 3, 2020

Communication studies faculty member Lindsay McCluskey has earned a competitive fellowship that will support her teaching, research, service and leadership.


Notes From Home: Anna Chichester #OzGrad2020

May 13, 2020

Senior public relations and theatre major Anna Chichester on how internships, study abroad and student involvement enhanced her Oswego experience.

Arts + culture

Notes from Home: Senior Nicky Radford #OzGrad2020

May 7, 2020

Senior music major Nicky Radford, who has a new recording out, has been a valuable member of Oswego’s vibrant musical family and a leader for campus inclusion.


SCMA secretary makes, donates around 450 face masks

May 1, 2020

A desire to support those on the front lines of the pandemic marked the start of Candy Rasbeck, secretary for the Deans Office of the School of Communication, Media and the Arts, making and donating around 450 face masks.

Student life

Notes From Home: Abhishek Thapa

April 28, 2020

Abhishek Thapa, who won multiple Art Department Awards this semester, discusses why he chose Oswego, working with faculty and what inspires him.


Master's project examines students' relationships with technology

April 28, 2020

A group of master’s in strategic communication students, working a large-scale student survey from 2019, found students have a complicated relationship with technology and their smartphones.

Arts + culture

Notes From Home: Interview with a professor -- Paul Leary

April 24, 2020

Music faculty member Paul Leary discusses how he stays in tune with his students and creativity. Close connections and technology keep them in #TogetherOz harmony.


Notes From Home: Interview with a professor -- Jonel Langenfeld-Rial

April 23, 2020

Jonel Langenfeld-Rial of our theatre faculty discusses how she teaches acting and stays connected with students online. Jonel is also enjoying seeing the campus community rise to the challenge and staying #TogetherOz.

Notes from Home: Interview with a professor — Cara Thompson

April 15, 2020

Cara Thompson of the art faculty talks about how this semester has brought her closer to students, and what she especially loves about her art students. #TogetherOz