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Graduate student reaches finals of Next Great Idea competition

September 20, 2018

A SUNY Oswego graduate student’s desire to help travelers have more authentic experiences advanced his team to the final four of the recent Oswego County’s Next Great Idea competition.

Arts + culture

Sept. 23 concert marks bassist's return to Oswego Jazz Project

September 12, 2018

The Oswego Jazz Project, a combo of four professional musicians on SUNY Oswego's music faculty, will mark the return of accomplished bassist Danny Ziemann in concert at 3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 23, in Sheldon Hall ballroom.


Student teaches, learns through Jamaica Field Service Project

August 23, 2018

SUNY Oswego senior communication and social interaction major Isabella Falcigno studied abroad this summer with the Jamaica Field Service Project, teaching students but also learning by seeing their perspectives.


Renewable energy, interactivity distinguish new outdoor sculptures

August 17, 2018

SUNY Oswego's third biennial outdoor sculpture exhibition will feature six works, ranging from a 10-foot-tall geometric piece with a wind-driven pinwheel to an assemblage of megaphone-like cones that encourage dialog to make the sculpture garden a sound garden.

Arts + culture

Professor's 'Animalario' exhibition to focus on humanity's alter egos

August 8, 2018

SUNY Oswego professor of art Juan Perdiguero will present his recent mixed-media work in "Animalario," the opening exhibition of Tyler Art Gallery's 2018-19 season starting Aug. 31 in Tyler Hall on the college's main campus.


Mini-grants to support 5 Grand Challenge projects

July 23, 2018

A SUNY Oswego panel has recommended college mini-grant funding for five project proposals -- ranging from a multicultural effort to provide water purifiers to Puerto Rico to helping support a talk by an eco-poet known for her poetry about the disasters such as those at Flint, Michigan, and the Deepwater Horizon -- developed for Grand Challenges: Fresh Water for All.


Sculptor makes gift of birdhouse-as-sculpture to college

June 26, 2018

As SUNY Oswego's third biennial exhibition of outdoor sculptures prepares to move in to the academic quad this summer, the sculptures of 2016-18 prepare to move back to their creators -- except one, a contemporary and symbolic birdhouse that has moved to a concrete pad just north of Tyler Hall.

Documentaries showcase 'Many Voices, One Oswego; Diversity and Inclusion in the Arts'

June 25, 2018

SUNY grant supports student-produced documentaries that explore topics of diversity through the lens of the arts - visual and performing.

Awards + honors

Kristen Eichhorn earns distinguished teaching award

June 1, 2018

Teaching ability, helpful mentorship and service to the field of communication have earned Kristen Eichhorn, SUNY Oswego’s dean of graduate studies, the Eastern Communication Association (ECA) Distinguished Teaching Fellows award.


My Hometown Banner Project puts schoolchildren's work around Oswego

May 30, 2018

A partnership between SUNY Oswego and the Oswego City School District to showcase the work of young artists became a soaring reality as dozens of banners featuring the work of local schoolchildren now appear around Oswego.