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Arts + culture

Staging of 'Boeing Boeing' allows student director to showcase talents

November 17, 2017

For Megan Hickey the child, performing in church plays and participating in theatre clubs seemed like just a fun pastime. In the present, it has become one of the most important elements in the SUNY Oswego senior theatre major's life.

Arts + culture

Acclaimed jazz drummer Matt Wilson to lead quartet concert

November 17, 2017

Globally accomplished jazz drummer Matt Wilson will bring his Matt Wilson Quartet to SUNY Oswego for a Ke-Nekt Chamber Music Series concert at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 29, in Sheldon Hall ballroom.

Arts + culture

'Boeing Boeing' to deliver absurd comedy, challenge stereotypes

November 9, 2017

The 1960s was a time of revolutionary change, with challenges to social norms as society moved away from tradition. This fall's student honors production of the French farce "Boeing Boeing" at SUNY Oswego portrays this concept of change by challenging stereotypes and flipping them.

Arts + culture

Pianist Robert Auler to celebrate Chopin in concert

November 6, 2017

SUNY Oswego music professor and concert pianist Robert Auler will headline a recital titled "Chopin Celebration" for the Focus on Faculty Series at 3 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 19, in Sheldon Hall ballroom.


Class to tell stories at Oswego Town Rural Cemetery Oct. 27

October 19, 2017

A storytelling class will bring the tales of historical figures to life during "A Night at the Oswego Town Rural Cemetery" at 6 p.m. Friday, Oct. 27.


Media Summit to feature White House journalists, take on 'fake news'

October 13, 2017

SUNY Oswego's 13th annual Lewis B. O'Donnell Media Summit will take on "fake news" as its discussion focus, presenting a balanced panel of White House and other broadcast news industry veterans to talk and listen to other viewpoints around the often politically and emotionally charged subject.


Behind the scenes preview of 'Clybourne Park'

October 12, 2017

The SUNY Oswego theatre department's will present "Clybourne Park," a Pulitzer Prize- and Tony-winning play on race relations, Thursday through Saturday, Oct. 19 to 21 and 26 to 28, in Tyler Hall's Waterman Theatre. SUNY Oswego News got to look behind the curtain as the play comes together.

Arts + culture

'Clybourne Park' to take on race, gentrification with sharp script

October 2, 2017

The SUNY Oswego theatre department's October production of "Clybourne Park," a Pulitzer Prize- and Tony-winning play satirizing ingrained notions about race relations and gentrification, should cause audience members to recognize their shared humanity, the play's director says.


Mary Toale named Faculty Fellow

September 1, 2017

President Deborah F. Stanley has named Mary Toale, professor of communication studies, as SUNY Oswego’s latest Faculty Fellow in the President’s Office.

Arts + culture

Near-fatal crash informs work of visiting artist

August 16, 2017

Award-winning Chinese watercolorist Zhinan Jiang, now a visiting professor of art at SUNY Oswego, did not know after a car crash in 1999 whether he would live or, if he did, whether he would walk, talk or paint ever again.