Thank you for your interest in STARTALK: Chinese Language and Culture Summer Camp. Participants will learn communication skills through an interactive approach to language learning. The summer camp starts on July 1 and ends on July 20. Instruction runs from Monday to Friday; classes begin at 9:00 a.m. and end at 3:00 p.m. The closing ceremony is on Saturday, July 20 at 10 a.m.
We welcome Grades 2-12 students with or without a Chinese Language background. With the support of a federal grant, there is no program fee. Fifty applicants will be invited to the program and placed in four classes based on their grades and levels of proficiency in Mandarin Chinese. Full participation in the three-week program is required. No partial attendance is accepted.
The application package includes three parts: (A) Application Form, (B) Two Letters of Recommendation, and (C) Report Card. All applicants need to complete the Application Form, including a statement of interest (100-200 words) explaining why they would like to participate in the camp. They also need to contact teachers who have taught them and who are willing to provide a Letter of Recommendation. Their current Report Card should be submitted as well.
Application Form |
Applicants can complete an Online Application Form or mail their Program started on July 1st. Application has closed.
Letter of Recommendation |
Applicants need to give a
Report Card |
Applicants can email their Report Card to or mail it to STARTALK: Chinese Language and Culture Summer Camp, 433 Mahar Hall, SUNY Oswego, Oswego, NY 13126
The program will accept applications until all the slots are filled.
Application Review and Selection: TBD, pending STARTALK funding.
Please note that submitting your application package does not guarantee acceptance to this federally funded STARTALK summer program.
For more information, please visit us at,,, or contact us at