2011 Symposium on Teaching and Learning

Seventh Annual SUNY-Oswego Symposium on Learning and Teaching:

Connecting Classrooms to Communities

October 14 and 15, 2011

 SUNY-Oswego faculty and staff may register for the Saturday workshops here. If you wish to attend and are not an employee of SUNY-Oswego, please send an email to celt@oswego.edu.

Friday, October 14 

  • 2:00 - 4:00 pm - Peer-reviewed poster session in Campus Center Concourse   (A video recording of this poster session is available here.) 
    • Roger Brooks, Barbara Streets, Karen Wolford, "Planning an international diversity course focusing on multicultural competence for treatment of trauma survivors"
    • Becky Burch, "Oswego has Heart"
    • Adrian Ieta, Carolina Ilie, and Alex Pantaleev, "Effective Lectures Using Online Quizzes"
    • Carolina C. Ilie, "Course Design: Interdisciplinary Context-Rich Problems Solving Techniques"
    • Carolina C. Ilie, Michael Evans, and Katharyn Christiana, "Developing Effective Undergraduate Research Experience"
    • Casey C. Raymond, Jeffery A. Schneider. Department of Chemistry, "Fermentation science in a global society with a study abroad flavor"
    • John McCartney, "Application of Proper Design Features for Educational Games "
    • Dan Cutler, "User Interface Evaluation and Design for Deaf-Blind Users "
    • Matthew Anderson, "Biometric Identification in the Classical World"
    • 4:00 pm - 5 pm - 132 Campus Center (Auditorium) Keynote address by Dr. Marybeth Lima - "Killing Grass and Moving Dirt: A Perspective on Community Engaged Scholarship" (A video recording of this workshop is available here.)

      Marybeth Lima is a Professor in Biological & Agricultural Engineering at LSU and the Director of the LSU Center for Community Engagement, Learning, and Leadership. Dr. Lima has been working with the Baton Rouge community (primarily public schools) for more than 10 years to ensure that all kids have access to safe, fun, accessible playgrounds that the kids help to design. She believes that play is a right and not a privilege, and that children are the best playground designers; these beliefs have guided her service-learning teaching and research work with elementary school and college students and the larger community. The resulting LSU Community Playground Project pairs elementary school and Lima's college students to design "dream playgrounds" created by the elementary school students. College students take these dream playground concepts, as well as input from teachers, parents, and community members, to design safe, fun, accessible playgrounds. After Marybeth and the schools complete fundraising and grant writing, the design is built at the school by volunteers (primarily the college student designers) to promote learning and community spirit, and to minimize construction costs.  These sustained efforts have led to the design and construction of more than 20 playgrounds. In 2006, she co-authored Service-Learning: Engineering in Your Community, the first textbook for engineering students engaged in service-learning.  In 2007, Lima received the Thomas Ehrlich Award, the most prestigious national award given to faculty practitioners of service-learning.

    • 5 pm - dinner in CC 205. Cost is $12 per person. Register here.

     Saturday, October 15 

    • 9:00 - 9:30 am - coffee, bagels, and informal discussion (no charge for those attending from SUNY-Oswego) - CC 114

    • 9:30 am - 11:30 - workshop lead by Marybeth Lima -  “Connecting with Community: Strategies for Becoming an Engaged Faculty Member and an Engaged Institution” - CC 114

    • 11:30-12:30 - lunch - pizza and soda/water (no charge for those attending from SUNY-Oswego) - CC 114

    •  12:30 - 4:30 pm - sessions on learning and teaching (listed below)

    Session 1

    Room: 206
    Time: 12:30 - 1:15 pm
    Title: "Adopt a School: SCMA and the Kingsford Park Elementary School project in Oswego Architecture and History" (a video recording of this workshop is available)
    Presenter: Lisa Langlois


    In the 2009-2010 academic year the School of Communications, Media, and the Arts implemented its pilot "Adopt a School" program in which members of SCMA reach out to local public schools in an effort to bolster arts programming for Oswego area students. A committee headed by Assistant Dean Julie Pretzat worked with Kingsford Park Elementary School teachers and its principal to provide collaborative learning experiences that benefitted both their fourth graders and students majoring in Art in SCMA.

    This illustrated presentation will focus on how the partnership depended on the identification of New York State Standards for this age group: local and New York state history, in order to simultaneously infuse arts curricula into the public school classroom, introduce students to the professions such as historian, architect, and artist, and to enable SUNY Oswego Art students interested in teaching in the schools a chance to experience working with youngsters.

    Session 2

    Room: 202
    Time: 12:30 - 1:15 pm
    Title: "Logistics for Peer-evaluated Poster Presentation Events" (a video recording of this workshop is available)
    Presenter: Donald P. Cram


    Scheduling and other logistics for running a large poster presentation event, in which each participant presents individual work in one of several sessions, and gives feedback to peers presenting during other sessions, are addressed. The poster presentation event was developed for students' course projects in undergraduate cost accounting over six semesters at a large state university, where it allowed the teacher to handle efficiently the demands of requiring individual course project assignments, not otherwise feasible. Participating students and invited local professionals rated the event highly. Keys to success include smart scheduling of students to give presentations and to perform evaluations, the involvement of local professionals, well-organized physical logistics at the event itself, and prompt processing of peer and professional evaluations after the event. A manual solution approach to the scheduling problem which works well is given. An Excel Solver approach which implements a higher level optimization, balancing evaluators of each presentation by attributes of the evaluators, is provided, too, although this is found not to solve quickly in Excel for reasonable event sizes. The author provides a further scheduling program in widely available SAS software. A SAS program which provides schedule sheets for each participant, and a second SAS program which provides individual feedback reports for each student, are provided.


    Session 3
    Room: 206
    Time: 1:25 - 2:25

    Title: "Current Topics in Engaged Learning" (a video recording of this workshop is available)
    Panel organizer: Susan Camp
    Panelists:     Mathew Spindler, Vocational Teacher Preparation at Oswego - Apprenticeships

    Paul Roodin, Experienced Based Education at Oswego - Internships
    Pam Heintz, Mary Ann Shaw Center for Public and Community Service at Syracuse University - Service Learning

    This panel will present current information on three of the leading forms of engaged learning. Each presenter will speak for 15 minutes and the three presentations will be followed by 15 minutes of discussion with the audience.  The pros and cons of each form will be highlighted. This will include cost, effectiveness, intrinsic reward and more.  The latest innovations will be shared for each form.

    Session 4
    Room: 206
    Time: 2:35 - 3:35
    Presenter:  Roger Taylor
    Title: "Analysis of Students' Emotions Workshop" (a video recording of this workshop is available)


    Few would disagree that students' emotions (or affective states) can play an
    important role in the learning process. However, the complex and dynamic
    relationship between students' learning and affective states is challenging to

    In this workshop, Roger Taylor will demonstrate three methods for assessing students'
    affective states: (1) Self-report, (2) Facial expressions, and (3) Posture. I
    would also demonstrate three analytical techniques that can be applied to
    helping solve this challenge: (1) Data visualization, (2) Hidden Markov
    models (HMMs), and (3) Longitudinal statistical analysis.

    Session 5
    Room: 202
    Time: 2:35 - 3:35
    Presenters: Shashi M. Kanbur, Cleane Medeiros, and Lorrie Clemo
    Title: "SUNY-Oswego Global Laboratory" (a video recording of this workshop is available)


    The SUNY Oswego Global Laboratory is an innovative experiential pedagogical methodology wherein students spend 6-8 weeks
    undertaking cutting edge research at leading research driven universities outside the US. Summer 2011 was the first significant year of its
    systematic operation: 21 students from SUNY Oswego and other other upstate NY colleges spent summer 2011 at a number of universities in Brasil,Taiwan, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
    The program combines all the benefits of undergraduate research as a pedagogical tool together with the benefits of international travel to
    help to produce a globally aware, engaged student. This is a unique program at SUNY Oswego.

    Students participating in the 2011 SUNY Oswego Global Laboratory worked at the Federal University of Paraiba, Alagoas, Mato Grosso du Sol, in Brasil and at the National Central University in Taiwan and the University of Kinshasha, DRC. Their research problems varied from
    computational quantum mechanics, nanochemistry, human computer interaction, meteorology, wetlands ecology, molecular biology and

    In this talk we describe the program in greater detail, its assessment and briefly review future plans.

    Session 6
    Room: 206
    Time: 3:45 - 4:45

    In this session, three HCI students (under the direction of Damian Schofield) will present a discussion of their projects: (a video recording of this workshop is available)

    Presenter:  John McCartney
    Title: "Application of Proper Design Features for Educational Games"

    Presenter:  Dan Cutler
    Title: ""User Interface Evaluation and Design for Deaf-Blind Users""

    Presenter: Matthew Anderson
    Title: "Biometric Identification in the Classical World"