COIL class development resources
Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
Asynchronous collaboration tools:
Blackboard -The instructional designer(s) working with COIL classes can create a separate Blackboard course shell for collaborative activities.
Canvas - Canvas provides a very easy-to-use and powerful modern course management system. Instructurs may create free accounts to develop a course site for shared collborative activities.
LORE - Lore is another flexible course management system that lets instructors develop course sites for collaborative activities.
Google Drive - A useful way of storing and jointly editing shared documents.
Synchronous collaboration tools:
Blackboard Collaborate - Blackboard Collaborate allows faculty at SUNY-Oswego to host web conferences. This can be used to host joint presentations between class sections.
Google hangouts - Google hangouts can provide a useful way for multiperson video chats. Free accounts provide simultaneous participation for up to 10 people at once. Recordings of the hangout sessions may be posted on YouTube for later review. (Google hangouts have not been enabled by CTS for the SUNY-Oswego domain. You will have to use personal Gmail accounts to access this functionality.)
Skype - Free Skype accounts allow free video chats between two classrooms or between two individuals over the internet. (Paid accounts allow for more simultaneous participants.)
Workshop recordings:
COIL - Jon Rubin
In this workshop, Jon Rubin provides an overview of the COIL program.
"The Second Time Around: Pedagogy and Learning in a COIL course" - Susan Coultrap-McQuin (May 30, 2013)
In this workshop presentation, Susan Coultrap-McQuin examines: discusses the following topics related to creating a COIL course, based on my experiences of teaching one: 1)Learning outcomes, activities, evaluation and assessment; 2) Pedagogical strategies for greater success: online and face to face; 3) Technology foundations; 4) Some Pedagogical and Cross-cultural Learning Issues to consider. This video includes recordings of reactions from some of the SUNY-Oswego student participants.
"Lessons learned in SUNY Oswego's First COIL class" - Susan Coultrap-McQuin (1/24/2013)
Susan Coultrap-McQuin is the first faculty member at SUNY-Oswego to develop and implement a COIL class during the fall semester of 2012. In this presentation, she discusses the challenges and successes that were part of this project.
"Fostering effective discussion in online courses" - Susan Skripac Camp (via Skype) & Paul Tomascak (1/18/2013)
An open conversation on ways instructors can engender and guide active and effective discussion in online courses from any discipline. Useful for people considering teaching online courses as well as those interested in closing the interaction gap in existing online courses.